Sunday, July 13, 2008

weekend hiatus

I was watching Oprah the other day and she had that doctor on the show that she always has. He was listing the top ten things to do to lose weight and keep it off. One of them stated that you shouldn't deny yourself something. Meaning if you love somethng you should not just stop yourself forever but you should eat it in moderation. Well everyone knows I love...

so I decided to not deny myself. I made choc. covered strawberries and I had a few. The other thing he said was dont' eat in front of the tv which I do often. I have tried this week to not eat in front of the TV because you don't know how much you eat. I have done well this week. Also he stated that you shouldn't over do anything. Don't become an adict to anything. I know why he says that because I would become addicted and want to work out all the time and not eat. So this weekend I didn't go to the gym this weekend and I feel like a FATTY!!! I hate this feeling. I wasn't good...I ate way more then I should have...I really tried I did!!

One thing I did this weekend was try and listen to when I had the feeling of hunger and try and figure out if it was true or if it was boredom. I really tried to listen to my innerself. I may not have listened but I sure didn't try :) !!!!

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