Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Nursery part 2

So tonight Matt came home and called his friend David to come and carry the dressers upstairs. It was so exciting to open the box and get all the peices out!! The room looks half complete now. It will be complete in June of 2009!!! Today I went online and looked at baby bedding and found 17 different types of bedding that I loved. I found three others at pottery barn kids that I loved. I hope it will be easier when we find out January 16th whether it is a boy or girl (My intuition def. thinks it is a girl....people that see me think it is a girl because of how little weight I have gained and how I am more flat then round...) we shall see!! If it is a girl it will be easier to find bedding because Matt said I could pick anything I wanted. With a boy he gets 51 pecent say in what the bedding looks like. We made a bet! I am more of a colors patterns person and he is more of a theme person. There are some beddings that I really like that have a theme but I don't like anything to busy. I just hope we can agree. After we pick something out hopefully Aunt Katie and Uncle Chris will come up to help paint. We will def. be changing it if it is a girl. If it is a boy it will all depend on the bedding. I would like to paint over the blue since there are some spots that need touch up and we don't have anymore paint. :) Enjoy the pictures below!!

baby beans crib

We had a great Christmas!! My dad and step mom bought me a pregnancy massage which I can't wait to use!! If you look hard in the picture attached you can see baby bean making an appearance.

When we got home BabiesRUs called and said the furniture was in. We went and picked it up but since I can't lift really heavy things, we just brought the crib up since we can pull it out piece by piece. It looks so pretty in the room. I keep walking by the room and smiling!! The rest of the furniture is in the garage till we get one of Matt's friends to come help carry it up stairs. The room was already blue, it may stay or it may change we will find out January 16th!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Shopping for baby bean!

So if anybody knows me, they know I love to shop!! Well this past weekend we made another trip to BabiesRUs to look at cribs. We haven't found one yet that we loved and both agreed on. So we went looking hoping for a sale since everybody and their mother were having sales this weekend.

We got there and sure enough they were. We walked around and found two sets that we loved. They were both different from each other and we loved them both for different reasons. One of them had alot of furniture and we felt it would be to much in the room the baby will be in.

The best part was they were having a sale that if you bought all the peices you got 20 percent off and then if we opened up a credit card we got another 10 percent. That made our day!! We saved about 500 dollars which made Matt VERY happy. He felt great about buying the crib this weekend since we save so much. Also we came home set up a budget and we set it up so we can pay each month and have it paid off by the time the baby gets here which makes our day!! I am working in ALP this year so that is what that money is going towards!! I told Matt that it will totally make it worth it for me to work in the afternoons if I know I a buying baby beans crib and furniture with it!!

We are saving everything else for family to buy!! :) We knew this would be our one purchase that we would have to make and the rest the grandparents can buy!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Kick baby kick...

So today while having the best day ever with the best husband ever, I was sitting in the movies watching 7 Pounds. I having been sitting for the last few days hoping to feel bean move. I can feel my uterus on the outside but wanted to feel him her so bad. Today in the movie I swear it was bean kicking. I felt it twice in the same spot. It didn't feel like anything I had felt before. I know people say you may think gas is the baby but this didn't feel like gas. It is hard to explain what it felt like. I promise I think it was the baby. Then at dinner I felt it again right in the same spot. I am so excited because if it was this is what I have been waiting for!! We shall wait and see what happens. I will keep you updated on if it was baby bean!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hair did!!

Today was a nice day of pampering!! I went finally and had someone professional do my hair!! For six years now I have been coloring my own hair and hoped things would turn out ok! Many time it did and others it did not. Now that I am going to be a momma I felt I should pamper myself. Today I went and got a wet on wet coloring job!! It looks so pretty. My haircut is still one that I wish would grow out and we are trying to get all the hair to be the same length!! I am so happy with the color.

Also today I walked past the mirror and had to walk back and look at the little buldge that is forming. I got giddy as I stood in front of the mirror!! I really can't wait for someone who doesn't know I am pregnant to ask me when I am due! I really can't wait!!

Well Christmas time is right around the corner. This year we have so much to thank our dear lord for! I really couldn't be happier. (well having my husband here monday through friday would be the best) We have everything and we are staying in Raleigh which makes me so happy!! I love everything about this place!! Pray Matt gets a job here soon!!! He applied for one and I hope he gets it!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

12 and 13 weeks

Ok so I have been slack. I started to feel better and the whole world changed. I am started to eat better and I am not so tired. I think I am becoming a normal person again. We went to the doctor Friday and the heartbeat was 150. She said things sound great. The little bean is sitting on my right side and I think it is causing some pain in my right buttock. I guess this all comes with pregnancy. I also had to change my contacts because my eye balls have changed shape. It is really odd what happens to your body.

Well things on the moving front have officially ended. Friday marked the bittersweet year. We are not moving and Matt is really looking for a job here. He applied for one at Chapel Hill so keep your fingers crossed. I know he is really excited about it but his hopes have been let down alot. The job right now that he has is really stressing him out and he is getting sick with the all the crap. I feel so bad for him.

School is getting better. I am def. finding that me starting to feel better helps the kiddos feel better. We have five days till Christmas break and I can't wait!! I am going to sleep sleep sleep.

Other then that things are pretty boring around here...which I don't mind for once. People said things would change when you have a baby...I can already tell that Matt and I are starting to enjoy each other and spend time together because we know it wont last long that we are alone. I love this man more then anything and I don't know what I would do without him.

Put on your calenday January 16th.....that is when we find out if bean is Addison Marie or Tillman Cohen!!!!