Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 9....still going strong sort of

Well it still amazes me that he is 9 days old. I really still can't believe that he was born 9 days ago. We have started to get into a small routine. (If I have learned anything in 9 days is babies don't stick to a routine for long.) Right now we are going 2-3 hours between feedings. We are eating from both boobs which is good because it is bringing in my supply for both boobs. He really loves to eat and now that my milk is in (5 days later) he seems to do really well. Being a FTM I have learned many things, but the biggest most helpful thing is to stop reading stuff. I was so worried about my milk because everything said 2-3 took 5. If I stressed enough about it, it may have never come in. Now day 9 we are doing great. He is back up to his birth weight which makes me happy. Another thing is the eating every 2-3 hours rule. When I read that I started to write down times and when he would get fussy I would do everything but nurse because it hadn't been two hours, well let me tell you, newborns always win! Yesterday I felt like a human cow, he seemed to nurse every hour. Today it is back to 2-3 hours. I think a growth spurt was hitting.

I am doing great as recovery goes. I feel better, and my stiches are healing really well. Still can't drive because of the narcotics I am on but that is ok, don't have really anywhere to go. Tilley is so beautiful I just love sitting and watching him. I have lost 20 pounds since he was born which is really nice. The fastest 20 pounds I have ever lost!! Only 14 more to go (no I am not dieting or trying to lose the weight...that 20 pounds was all the baby "gunk" that comes with pregnancy. I am eating lots of food and taking care of worries!) I have had many great meals brought over or made for us so that has been really nice.

So the past nine days have been an emotional roller coaster for me. When I thought my milk wouldn't come in I cried, when I look at him while he sleeps I cry, when Matt comes and hugs me and tells me I am a great momma I cry. It is fully how wacked out your hormones are at this point. Also as a parent there are so many decisions you have to make and you want to make sure they are the right ones. For example the sleeping issue. We read "Becoming Babywise" which was really helpful and we learned a lot but that doesn't really start till week 2 or 3. Right now we are just getting to know each other and figuring out each others needs. Well his sleeping has been a little wierd. The first few nights he slept fine in the bassenette or pack n play. I made a very conciouse effort to lay him in his crib after eating because I didn't want him to get used to sleeping in my arms. Then one day he just didn't want to sleep on his back in his crib. So now he has to be in my arms at night or in his swing. I am at a fork in the road because I don't want him to get used to sleeping this way but when it is 2am in the just want him to sleep. So now we are trying each time to lay him down and then when he fusses to let him sit for a minute and then I pick him up. He wants to sleep in my arms or on a pillow right beside me. It is stressful because I really don't sleep but he does. Being a parent you encounter so many decisions that you want to make the right one but you aren't sure what is the right one.

Well this is just a quick update, hopefully tomorrow I will post some more pictures!

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