Sunday, January 22, 2006

Today is a new day..

Well last night I had a blast playing Bunco with the other teachers. It is a dice game which has tables and you play and then the loser team moves. It was so much fun. The only thing is that there was tons of few. I was so piggy last night. I really have done well. I lost the inch and then last night blew it. I really wanted to eat the food though so I had no reason to stop till today because I really feel bad. Ohwell today is a new day and I am going to workout harder today to make up for it. I did a Tae Bo tape and burned about 600 calories and now I am off to the treadmill to walk while watching Remember the titans!! Lifeis great!! Also my bestest Jodi is turing her life around. She is trying to lose weight and be healthier. She was diagnosed with Polyscistic something. It has effected her ovaries. I know if my heart that when she loses the weight she will be healthy. Her body was trying to tell her something. I can't wait to come to Charlotte a weekend and see her tiny!! I am sooooooo proud of her. I want the best for her and I know this will help her get there. She is an amazing person and I can't wait till the day that she smiles knowing that her life is the best that it can be!! Off to work out!!

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