Sunday, July 12, 2009

Something Higher Than Us

I vividly remember the day I called my dad when I was around 25 weeks pregnant in tears. I was driving home and all I could think about was all these lost souls that didn't believe in our God. I thought about all those moms out there that have children that don't believe. I was tearing up because how could you NOT believe that there is something higher than us. As I watch Tilley grow into this little guy, and I look back at our first ultrasound picture I am amazed. There is nothing in this world that we as humans create as perfect as a human being. Only God could create something so perfect. As my friend Gwen said, "It should be norm, that we have abnormal children because of how many little pieces have to fall into place for a child to be born perfect." I agree with her, for all the babies in the world that are born perfect, think about all the pieces that have to fall into place at exactly the right moment for this person to be born. Having a child is truly the everyday miracle. If you are someone who is lost, please think about this and think about our father. He is the creator, he is the creator who loves you unconditionally! How could you not believe in our father when these little beings are born so perfectly.

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