Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Job postings

Well I just sent out three emails with my resume and cover letter. Wow my stomach is doing summer saults...I am really nervouse because I want a job so bad and I feel like I am still not sure that I have the things that it takes to be a teacher. Everyday that I spell something wrong, or have no clue about some grammer thing I feel that I have no right to teach someone. I mean I really dont know how to do somethings and how am I supposed to tell a child what to do if I cant even do it myself. I dont know, but I sent them in the hopes that I will get a job. I really want to be the best teacher I can be. I want to be that teacher students remember, and think about years later. Its hard though because I have low confidence in myself and that doesnt help make me a better teacher. So if everyone will pray that I get a call so that I can get a job.

Along with this subject I have been thinking about children. MAtt and I talked the other day about when we would want to start, and he said that we would start to try when we get a house. I started to think about all those things that I want in life and the top one was a child. I want that so bad and I want to be a mother. I read my new book last night and it was great. Nicholas Sparks of course and he had a baby in the story and I want that. I want that with Matt. Today showed me that because of how these children looked when they learned about how a solid turns into a gas. I watched them see and be so suprised. I thought about how I cant wait to have my own child and teach them all the things that I know. I cant wait!!! Just wanted to fill you in on what I was thinking!!!

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