Saturday, May 06, 2006

going by fast..

Well time is going by so fast. I mean in one week we will have been married for one whole year. Most marrages don't last that long. I am so excited and I have never been happier. I mean we are doing so well. We bought a new car, we found a church, we talk about God, we are building our first home, we both have amazing jobs, and we are both VERY HAPPY!! Could things get better.

I love my job. In about a week I will take over a fifth grade classroom. I can't wait. I went in there yesterday and they asked me all kinds of questions. They wanted to know everything. I thought it was so cute. They really wanted to get to know me and they also wanted to know if I was strict. I can't wait to get in there, because finally I wont be on anyones time except mine. I will be able to make all the decisions. I can't WAIT!!

Katie is getting married in about five weeks. Time is going so fast. I remeber when she got engaged. This is so weird. I just can't imagine next year or when we have kids. Matt and I talked about that and I think we settled on 2007. So that means we will be in the house about a year, and then we will start trying. The only thing is that we have to get pregnant in the month of August or we can't keep trying till the next year because of my job. I have to have the baby right before summer starts since I have to still work. The other thing is finding someone to watch the baby while we work. So we will see!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I guess we will have to have a Chick-fil-A up there by fall of post baby so we can watch the lil bugger