Saturday, March 04, 2006

What a thought....

Well last Sunday our pastor preached about whether you were ready to go to heaven or not. The sermon was called "Heaven can't wait..." I started to think about this all week which is why he had the sermon was to make people think. I just started to think about whether I was ready or not. I started to think about if I died tomorrow would I be ready. Then that starts to make me think that if I can't answer that with a convicted yes then am I really a Christian. I mean come on if you are Christian you should be able to say yes to that question without hesitation because you know that heaven is way better then here. The thing is that saying yes scares me. I mean there is so much I wan to do on earth which then makes me selfish because I don't want to go to heaven. Wow, this is scary to think about because I want to go to heaven and see God and be there but I also want to be here to do those things that I have always wanted to do. I am so scared because then that makes me think about not being a Christian. I mean if I don't want to go to heaven now then im not a Christian and not being a Christian means I am going to hell. Am I only a Christian because I want to go to heaven? I want to say no I am a Christian because I believe that God gave his only son to die for my sins and that he is in my heart. I start to think about all that I know and all the things that I have been taught. I would say that I have a relationship with God but what if I am wrong. What if the relationship that I have with God is not the type of relationship he wants with me. I pray and I started a prayer group that I am learning about the bible and learning about the relationship he wants with me but have I been saved? I don;t know. I don't know what that feels like. Like when someone asks do you love someone and how do you know? And you answer you just do, well how do you know if you have been saved? You accept God as your Lord and personal savior. What does that mean, I mean I could say yes I do, but do I really, or in my mind and I just saying that. This is so hard. I guess its supposed to because only God knows, and so he wants you to be able to truly be able to be a follower. So this week there has been alot of thoughts running through my mind, and I know that they only way to work through this is to give it to God and to let him guide me. I need to pray about this and I need to listen to his word and I need to read his word because I know that is the only way I am going to be able to work through this but I just wanted to let this out in case anyone else thought about this.

1 comment:

The Cox Family said...


You have some valid questions and concerns. I've been a Christian for almost eleven years now and I have had some similar fears. So have some of the most important people in history (such as Martin Luther). However, we can know that we are saved.

It starts by realizing that we are completely sinful and deserve death and Hell. There is no one who does not fit in to this category. There is nothing we can do of ourseleves to earn salvation. Being a good person doesn't help. It's like trying to jump to the moon. Some people can jump a lot higher than others but no one can jump that high. It depends only on Christ. Whether you desire to go to Heaven or to stay on Earth is not the heart of the issue. The issue is dealing with the fact that we have sinned against infinite God, our Creator. The only way to deal with our sin is to put our faith in Christ. This means believeing that in His death, He took our sins on Himself, and payed the penalty for them, a penalty we can't pay. We must allow Him to be Lord of our own lives and have faith that what He has done is enough. There's no need to change anything about yourself before you come to Christ, that's His job. One of the most important things to remember is that you cannot do anything to save yourself so none of it depends on you.

All we can do is ask God to save us. He has assured us that nobody will be turned down.

-Jeremy Cox