Saturday, February 27, 2010

5 little secrets...

Here are 5 little secrets you may not know about may change your oppinion of me :)

1. I am super morbid in my own head. Many times a day I have morbid thoughts of "what ifs"...for example I think about...What if I was shot in the head, how would people react...or my favorite is when I take a shower I go through a dramtic scene in my head where someone breaks into the house and shoots me while in the shower, I would play dead till they left and crawl out to my cell phone and call the police. I literally place this scene in my head EVERY time I get into the shower..somedays with variations...I guess this stems from my need to be prepared....sick I know!

2. I get really nervous thinking about getting in trouble. For example, when I go into stores I purposlfully empty my purse in the car except my wallat because I have this fear that if I had something in my purse like chapstick or a pen that you could by from the story someone might think I am shoplifting. I am not sure where this one comes from, but at least my arm doesn't hurt when I am walking around shopping.

3. I constanlty worry about people judging me and talking about me. I try to act confident but when I am left out or think I walked into a conversation that was about me...I get really quiet and sad. I am really insecure inside and sometimes it is hard for me to belive someone if they say they weren't talking about me. I have always had trouble being confident...I also don't take compliments well.

4. I love to travel but flying makes me sweat gallons (since I already sweat a lot...gallons is WAY a lot)...when I fly I have to drink or take something...but I always love the destinations!

5. I am sad that Matt and I don't have a church to baptise Tillman in. I don't think Matt knows how important this is for me because for him and his family, baptising isn't looked upon the same way. I really wish that we could get Tillman baptised.

Well now that you know little dirty secrets about about you!


Jodi said...

Hmmm... many of our secrets are similar! I am always positive people are critical of me behind my back... and there isn't an hour in a day where I don't worry about something bad happening - altho the flavours of my "bad" are different than yours. I also get extremely nervous if one of us is separated from the rest... you know? If Ken has to go out of town and it's me and the kids alone... or Matt is at a sleepover and the rest of us are here - I get paranoid about stuff like that.

I stress a lot about money. I worry about security. But - I love to spend... especially on cars. I am car obsessed. It's a bad circle. :)

I don't crave religion as much as I crave routine... and faith in something (whatever that is).

Isn't life fun?!?!!?

Elizabeth said...

It is amazing that when you live in your own little bubble, and you share something and others things the same! I stress about money but as you I like to spend it. I work hard and want to treat myself. I am so glad I found you friend!