Monday, July 23, 2007

I am a horrible mom!!!

Well the vet called and said that stella is infested with ring worm!! I am so sad for her because she is losing hair daily. The vet said to wash her with this fungle cream and spray down everything with this fungle spray. It is so sad because she looks like an abandonded dog that we found. Her coat looks mangy and she looks so pitiful. Hopefully it will clear up in two weeks.

Well this weekend was the lake trip with the inlaws and it was great. We went on the boat which broke down and we were stranded. Then we got back went out to eat and shopped at Walmart. This weekend made me realize how much I miss my family. I really love Raleigh!! I wish I could switch the cities but keep the people. This place is amazing I just miss my family. We went and saw my dad and played some games with him and it was great. I miss that. I miss those family dinners and gatherings. I want to be there to grow with everything but this city and these people in Raleigh are amazing and my heart has grown for them so much!!! I don't know what to do. You sit here and in your heart you know that this is not the home or place you will be in forever. You know that your young and things change, but it is so hard because you make friendships and they become a part of you. I can't think about leaving these people but I know that some day I will. Matt has told me over and over but I cna't stop my heart from loving these people. I also love my school and wake county. I am scared to leave Millbrook because I don't want to leave something so perfect. I know tha tyou can't get attatched to schools but it is hard. Also wake county gives me so many oppurtunities to grow in my edcuation and profession. We will have to see......

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