Wednesday, June 21, 2006

this is gonna be short, but I had to share

Ok so I just read two GREAT books!! I have read tons and tons of great books, but these two are fresh in my mind, and I am reading a third that is just as good. So I read "My Sister's Keeper" and "Vanishing Act" by Jodi Picoult!! They were both amazing. The way she writes the story makes you think you are there. I mean everything I read I feel that way but these two stuck out. Right now I am reading "Tenth Circle" aslo by Jodi!! I def. recommend going out and getting these three books. I am such a reader that reading a book makes me live another life. I am able to get into another persons like and buisness without getting in trouble. I think people who are people watchers are people that like to read. This is only based on me of course, but I couldn't imagine someone who loves to watch other stragers go through their daily lives, and not love to read. By reading you are able to get into someone else life in such depth, you almost forget you aren't really there. Like right now as I type this all I can think about is the girl in Tenth Circle and how the next few events are going to play out. I sit here and think like she is a friend or neighbor, someone I can call up and ask how they are. Its almost freaky to think about how much I get sucked into these stories. I just do. Matt doesn't understand, but then again he is SOOOO not a people watcher. He just think about life the way I do. Its hard sometimes but we balance each other out. He makes me put the book down, or makes me stop starring at the person at the table across from me. Well I said it would be short so I lied, I get carried away sometimes. DEF GO READ THESE BOOKS!!


The Cox Family said...

monI'm the same way girl, so don't worry. Thanks for the book recommendations. I'll check them esp. since the last one you recommended was so good. Have a great day!

The Cox Family said...

So I read My Sister's Keeper and boy was it a tear jerker. Totally unexpected end and i really feel like they could have left some parts out but overall a good book!