Monday, May 12, 2008

Overweight that I am....

Ok so my sister and I have come to the conclusion that at 23 bathing suits SUCK!! I have hit the point in my life that I don't want to wear one. So today I was all about eating right and working out. I am determined to lose ten pounds. Well today was hard. I am HUNGRY!!! I want to eat my arm. It is not like I am starving myself. I have ate my limit and I am still hungry. THIS SUCKS!!! Ok so I went online to see what the best amount of calories to eat and when I googled BMI I put in the info and found out that I am OVERWEIGHT!!! Now I know could lose a few pounds but overweight is a harsh word. I don't want to keep gaining weight but that is what I seem to be doing. I really need to stop but food is so good. I have always been thin except for the past few years. Since I have been married I have gained 20 pounds. THREE YEARS 20 POUNDS!!! So now that I have said it outloud you would think I would want to do something to change it.....I hope to.....So if you see me ask me to put down the snickers and stop with the fried food because I hope to lose these pounds that I have put on since being married. I want to be skinny again. Or at least feel good about myself. So I am off again on this rollercoaster of weight loss. Lets hope that I can pull it off....wish m e luck

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