Well last night was so much fun!! Matt and I were sitting in the family room watching tv and we started to have a pillow fight!! I lasted I would have to say about 45 min, but we would stop when the show came back on and then start again when the commercials came on. I loved it we laughed so hard and he smiled so big and when he smiles it gives me butterflies, he gets so happy. Last night was like that and it was so much fun, even if he did kick my butt. I mean my arms are half his length and he can reach my head while I keep swinging, it was so funny!!!! I love those moments because they are the moments that make our relationship so great. I love being part of his life and being there for him.
Well another great news, I got a job interveiw for Monday morning. I cant wait I am so nervouse and its a week away. I mean what are they going to ask me, what if I dont know the answer or if I stammer? The school looks like a really good school and I would be teaching kindergarten. That is the one grade I did not want to teach, but I feel that God is calling me there for some reason and he has a reason. Also today I was able to get a library card, and its funny because I was nervouse in there because I havent been in a public library to check out books I wasnt going to use to study. It was neat and I was excited because I didnt have to pay for them. They also had all the new books in one section so I was able to see them and pick the ones out I saw at the store and wanted to read but couldnt afford. Well our couches come in three days. I cant wait but I am worried because the ferrets run around the house wherever, and I know they will want to dig in the ocuch and I will KILL them if they break, tear, or bury themselves into my new couch.
Well my once college life is coming to an end. Wow my eyes just teared up and I my stomach turned. I cant imagine this point because I have been dreaming about it for sooo long. I mean I never thought I would get here much less with all the things that I have accomplished. I have dont it all. I love my life right now, and Matt and I are talking about buying a house in June, we have been looking and we found a few that we liked. I would be a wife and a home owner. I would then soon be a mom. Wow that is something I have wanted my whole life. It will be all over in two weeks. I cant wait..
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