Well today I got a call back for a job interveiw!! I am so excited!! My stomach hurts because I am so nervouse about it. Its at the a school that has been rated the nations best magnet school!! I am not sure I am the best teacher for that, I still have aLOT to learn!! Oh I cant wait to call her monday to get a date set so we can meet. This makes all my dreams I have come a little closer, and I cant wait to get that first pay check because we need MONEY!!! we are trying to save and its hard becuse we are spendign our money on the house and stuff, but I cant wait!!! I called lisa after I called Matt and we were talking about all the things we could do if we were teaching the same grade. I cant wait to be able to call her and tell her all the great thigns that are happening in my classroom!! I mean as two teachers we could support each other in ways that others could not because we are doing the same thing. She knows what I deal with everyday and same goes for me. I also can say stupid things around her and not feel stupid. I cant wait to get a job so that we both are working and making money!! Life couldnt be more perfect!!!
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