Well I am in one of those moods. I wonder what life will be like in ten years. I am so ready to get into a life that things are stable. Matt and I come home to an amazing life. We have an amazing relationship and we are better married then not. I mean we talk more now then we have ever. We love each other more then before. He worries about me and I love that even though I dont tell him. I wake each morning thinking that I couldnt live without him. I just read that book I wrote about and the wife died and all I could to was cry. I couldnt imagine my life without Matt. I really look and him and think how lucky I am. I was in my class today and I cant wait to share those moments with him that couples get to share. I love my life and the first time I can say that. I was so upset through college. I hated working and being around people that didnt have to work as much as me and seeing those people get to do those college things. It was also hard with depending on my parents because I felt that I wasnt able to be my own person. Now with matt I feel I am my own and we are together making it through this world.
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