Friday, November 18, 2005


Well tonight I am sitting here studing for this stupid test I have to take. Ok lets break this down. There are very few perfessions that you have to take a test, and pass to become that job. For example, a doctor, lawyer, and accountant. All three of those jobs makes in the upper 100,000's while teachers sit back and make 28,000. I know its a joke. This test I am taking tomorrow cost matt and I 205 to take one time. That is if I pass, I will have to pay that again when I fail. So with that said I feel that these tests should be included in out tuition so that we dont have to fron the money. I am so upset because going through school they always teach us that test are the worst kind of assessment because of all the diffrent factso, and then they go and require us to take two two hour tests and pass them. I am so mad. I know I know why they do it, and I want my children to be taught by a qualified person, but I dont want the pressure of having to pass this test. I think the reason why I am scared is because I am not a good test taker and I have not confidence whatsoever. I really hate this, and as I go through the questions, I am shocked because I dont ever remember anythng they are asking me. Ohwell what can I do. I also found out how much the superintendent makes. He walks away with over 280,000 dollars and year while us teachers dont make over 35,000 in five years. I know all the people that say that teachers arent in it for the money, but it still takes money to make the worl go round. With that said I love teaching, and I would never do anything diffrent, but its scary to see how the human race has its priorities set. Well I am off to study somemore, keep me in your prayers.

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