Well last night matt and I went out and got new couches!!! I cant wait to have them delivered and sit in them. Our home is becoming a real home. We also went out to bed bath and beyond and used a gift certificate that we had. We were looking for a painting that goes over the bed. So we found this mirror, and when we brought it up we asked if they could take anything off becuase there were some scratches. So she took 10 percent off, and we also had a 20 percent off ticket. After she scans it she says you know the mirror is only 50.00!!Were shocked since it was priced at 100.00!! We were so excited so the total for the mirror was 38.00 and we only had to pay twenyt bucks for it. I will have a picture soon!!! That is the couches we got!!! I am soo excited!!! The are so comfortable!! I feel like we are moving along, we have been saving for these for so long!!! We have been broke for months so that we could buy these things!! I cant wait till they come!! I love them so much, and with our huge mirror they will look so great!!
We also went out and got our stockings and christmas stuff for our mantle!! I cant wait to get the mirror to put up and have my stockings up!! I know I know its so early but the thing is that I am so excited to have a home and make this our first Christmas. I also am getting all the food for Thanksgiving!! I cant belive that I am making my first turkey, I always remember Aunt Jo making food and thinking I cant wait to make my own dinner. My little brother is coming to eat with us, and I was going to ask my mother but she probably has to work!! I cant wait till he gets here to eat it because I also get to use my fine china!!
Hello Elizabeth,,I came across your blog and have been following your journey,it seems every thing is going just wonderfully for the two of you. I wish you both the very best in life .I have book marked your blog.I am Fran Wright my blog is
Much happiness to you both..
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