Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
so much fun

Well last night was so much fun!! Matt and I were sitting in the family room watching tv and we started to have a pillow fight!! I lasted I would have to say about 45 min, but we would stop when the show came back on and then start again when the commercials came on. I loved it we laughed so hard and he smiled so big and when he smiles it gives me butterflies, he gets so happy. Last night was like that and it was so much fun, even if he did kick my butt. I mean my arms are half his length and he can reach my head while I keep swinging, it was so funny!!!! I love those moments because they are the moments that make our relationship so great. I love being part of his life and being there for him.
Well another great news, I got a job interveiw for Monday morning. I cant wait I am so nervouse and its a week away. I mean what are they going to ask me, what if I dont know the answer or if I stammer? The school looks like a really good school and I would be teaching kindergarten. That is the one grade I did not want to teach, but I feel that God is calling me there for some reason and he has a reason. Also today I was able to get a library card, and its funny because I was nervouse in there because I havent been in a public library to check out books I wasnt going to use to study. It was neat and I was excited because I didnt have to pay for them. They also had all the new books in one section so I was able to see them and pick the ones out I saw at the store and wanted to read but couldnt afford. Well our couches come in three days. I cant wait but I am worried because the ferrets run around the house wherever, and I know they will want to dig in the ocuch and I will KILL them if they break, tear, or bury themselves into my new couch.
Well my once college life is coming to an end. Wow my eyes just teared up and I my stomach turned. I cant imagine this point because I have been dreaming about it for sooo long. I mean I never thought I would get here much less with all the things that I have accomplished. I have dont it all. I love my life right now, and Matt and I are talking about buying a house in June, we have been looking and we found a few that we liked. I would be a wife and a home owner. I would then soon be a mom. Wow that is something I have wanted my whole life. It will be all over in two weeks. I cant wait..
Friday, November 18, 2005
Thursday, November 17, 2005
thinking about the weeks to come..
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
not so happy...

Well today the school called me back after a game of phone tag and they thought I wanted a T.A. position which I dont so I had to turn down their interveiw. I was kinda sad because I really wanted to say I had a job. I would be less stressed if I knew that matt and I would have money coming in. I really want to help support our family. I want to help bring food to the table and make life a little less stressful. Ohwell, matt keeps saying that there will be more openings and I know there will be but I am worried because he doesnt want me to travel very far and I wont mind as long as I have a job. I dont want to drive for thirty minutes but you know twenty minutes is ok. I dont know what will happen so just keep your prayers open for me. Well my little brother came to see me yesterday and I was so happy. I really wantd to make him a good dinner and show him I love him!! He brought his friend Jennifer with him and she was so sweet. She is going to be an art teacher, which I am so jelouse of because I am horrible in art. I really liked her though so I hope she sticks around. Well thats all for today hopefully I will hear something soon about a job.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Im soo excited!!!

Well last night matt and I went out and got new couches!!! I cant wait to have them delivered and sit in them. Our home is becoming a real home. We also went out to bed bath and beyond and used a gift certificate that we had. We were looking for a painting that goes over the bed. So we found this mirror, and when we brought it up we asked if they could take anything off becuase there were some scratches. So she took 10 percent off, and we also had a 20 percent off ticket. After she scans it she says you know the mirror is only 50.00!!Were shocked since it was priced at 100.00!! We were so excited so the total for the mirror was 38.00 and we only had to pay twenyt bucks for it. I will have a picture soon!!! That is the couches we got!!! I am soo excited!!! The are so comfortable!! I feel like we are moving along, we have been saving for these for so long!!! We have been broke for months so that we could buy these things!! I cant wait till they come!! I love them so much, and with our huge mirror they will look so great!!
We also went out and got our stockings and christmas stuff for our mantle!! I cant wait to get the mirror to put up and have my stockings up!! I know I know its so early but the thing is that I am so excited to have a home and make this our first Christmas. I also am getting all the food for Thanksgiving!! I cant belive that I am making my first turkey, I always remember Aunt Jo making food and thinking I cant wait to make my own dinner. My little brother is coming to eat with us, and I was going to ask my mother but she probably has to work!! I cant wait till he gets here to eat it because I also get to use my fine china!!
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Well today I got a call back for a job interveiw!! I am so excited!! My stomach hurts because I am so nervouse about it. Its at the a school that has been rated the nations best magnet school!! I am not sure I am the best teacher for that, I still have aLOT to learn!! Oh I cant wait to call her monday to get a date set so we can meet. This makes all my dreams I have come a little closer, and I cant wait to get that first pay check because we need MONEY!!! we are trying to save and its hard becuse we are spendign our money on the house and stuff, but I cant wait!!! I called lisa after I called Matt and we were talking about all the things we could do if we were teaching the same grade. I cant wait to be able to call her and tell her all the great thigns that are happening in my classroom!! I mean as two teachers we could support each other in ways that others could not because we are doing the same thing. She knows what I deal with everyday and same goes for me. I also can say stupid things around her and not feel stupid. I cant wait to get a job so that we both are working and making money!! Life couldnt be more perfect!!!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Well I am in one of those moods. I wonder what life will be like in ten years. I am so ready to get into a life that things are stable. Matt and I come home to an amazing life. We have an amazing relationship and we are better married then not. I mean we talk more now then we have ever. We love each other more then before. He worries about me and I love that even though I dont tell him. I wake each morning thinking that I couldnt live without him. I just read that book I wrote about and the wife died and all I could to was cry. I couldnt imagine my life without Matt. I really look and him and think how lucky I am. I was in my class today and I cant wait to share those moments with him that couples get to share. I love my life and the first time I can say that. I was so upset through college. I hated working and being around people that didnt have to work as much as me and seeing those people get to do those college things. It was also hard with depending on my parents because I felt that I wasnt able to be my own person. Now with matt I feel I am my own and we are together making it through this world.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Job postings

Well I just sent out three emails with my resume and cover letter. Wow my stomach is doing summer saults...I am really nervouse because I want a job so bad and I feel like I am still not sure that I have the things that it takes to be a teacher. Everyday that I spell something wrong, or have no clue about some grammer thing I feel that I have no right to teach someone. I mean I really dont know how to do somethings and how am I supposed to tell a child what to do if I cant even do it myself. I dont know, but I sent them in the hopes that I will get a job. I really want to be the best teacher I can be. I want to be that teacher students remember, and think about years later. Its hard though because I have low confidence in myself and that doesnt help make me a better teacher. So if everyone will pray that I get a call so that I can get a job.
Along with this subject I have been thinking about children. MAtt and I talked the other day about when we would want to start, and he said that we would start to try when we get a house. I started to think about all those things that I want in life and the top one was a child. I want that so bad and I want to be a mother. I read my new book last night and it was great. Nicholas Sparks of course and he had a baby in the story and I want that. I want that with Matt. Today showed me that because of how these children looked when they learned about how a solid turns into a gas. I watched them see and be so suprised. I thought about how I cant wait to have my own child and teach them all the things that I know. I cant wait!!! Just wanted to fill you in on what I was thinking!!!
Monday, November 07, 2005
After a great weekend!!

Well this weekend was great!! I got to see all the inlaws and my cousin got MARRIED!!! It was a great day!! The sun was shining and we all had a blast!! I havent been to the beach in years so it was nice. We got to spend time with the family and we were all happy because it was a wedding how could you not be happy!! Well this weekend flew, but it got be thinking about Thanksgiving and how I am making my first turkey. I can't wait, I really feel like a house wife!! I also learned something new, my friend courtney showed me this site that I can get botox injections to stop my sweating in my armpits, so I cant wait to get insurance. Well also some other great news, my bestest just bought thier first home!! I cant wait to go see it. I mean it gets me also thinking about Matt and I's first home!! I cant wait for the day that we hold two keys that lead to a place where we arent renting. Matt and I did alot of talking and he said to me that the day we move into our home, we can start trying to conceive. That made me smile so big because I want children so bad. Its hard though because people talk all the time about how young I am and all this stuff but, you know everything I have done in my people have said the same things, your to young, dont wish your life away, because what you wish for, and you know nothing has happend unless I wanted it to, and I want children. I feel in my heart God wants me to have children. I am selfish in that way that children are part of my plan. Matt and I talked about things, like we wouldnt be able to travel or things like that, but you know those things dont seem as important when I think about having children. I cant wait!! I cant wait to tell Matt that he will be a father. Those are the moments in life I live for!! Its hard though not to be jelouse of the people that already have those things. Jelousy is a hard feeling to not get rid on. I mean if I could change anything about myself it would be that emotion. I honestly feel it serves no purpose but to make me upset. I sit here and compare my life to others and I cant stop. So when Matt and I are thinking about things or wanting things its hard to not think of the poeople that have those things already. This emotion is one that I feel will only go away when I am able to fully hand it to someone that has all the control. The only thing I wonder, is why other people dont have jelousy like me? I mean I honestly cant find someone that thinks the way I do about certain things, and how is it they dont get jelouse? Ohwell like I said it wont go away until I am able to let it go!!!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
sweat and fourth graders bad mix

Well today went very well. I got nervouse though, there is a teaching opening for fourt grade and I wanted to apply but then I thought about those kids and the moment I walked in they would laugh at my sweating problem. I could see them ask why my armpits are so wet, and I would turn red and then they would laugh. What would you say!! I mean my second graders pick on me but not bad and I can tell them I will turn their card and they stop, but fourth grade they are the same height as me and I just have nothing to say. I mean I really am worried about this. I wish that we had alot of money because I would have my armpit sweat glands burned out, I really hate this. If you watch Greys Anatomy you would know the episode where the womans face turns read, well the same for me I jsut sweat. Everyone knows when I am nervouse, scared, happy or just hot because I have pit stains to my bellybutton. I mean what do you do. I cant wear black everyday, but I really like fourth grade. People who dont teach would say they wont say anything, your wrong, they say them under their breath which hurts just as bad. I mean I know I shouldnt feel anything when they say that but I am human and its hard because I am embarressed because my stains. So I dont know what to do, I thought about this all day while I was teaching and my pits were hanging out for the whole world to laugh!! Ohwell I will hopefully win some money so I can go to the doctors, but there are so many other things I want to spend my money on then my armpits, but im going to be embarressed until it goes away!!!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
First day!!

You know I love journals I just never remember to write in them. Well today is Tuesday and the day was GREAT!!! I mean I really had a great day at school. Kids were good and I had a great time teaching. Then I got home and the last part of my wedding pictures came in and I am so excited. It really hit me that I was married when they came in. I cant wait to give them out and show people because I really felt great that day!!! I also paid a butt load for these pictures so they better be GREAT!!! :) Well matt and I went to this Marriage Enrichment Confrence this weekend and it was GREAT!!! ( I love that word dont I). I learned so much about him and all these things I thought I knew that I didnt. We talked alot and we listned alot which is the other hard part. We were able to grow spiritually in ways that I didnt think we could grow. WE also met these two really neat people. Brad and Lauren. They were another couple there and see we stuck out because all the other couples were older. I talked and had a good time. Matt and I also renewed our vows to each other which made me cry because it was candle lit and it was amazing. We also went to four sessions that helped us learn how to fight, communicate and love each other in ways we didnt know how!!! I highly recommend this to anyone that wants to get married!!! Well I am off to be a house wife and make dinner and do homework!!! LOve you all!!