Well the year 2005 has been the best year of my life. I would have to say that even thought I struggled alot and it was very stressful I def had the best year and the best things happen to me. This year I hope will be the same. There are many great things to happen this year and I know that this year will be just as stressful but I hope it will also be great.
I never set new years resolutions because I never keep them but there year is a tad diffrent. I have a bridesmaid dress I have to fit into as of June 3 and I def want to be able to fit into it. The other thing is that I have to fit into by mid April and its a size six. Now you say why didnt I order a dress that fit me, well the thing is that the bust and hips will fit but the waist is an inch smaller then what I am. SOOOO that means that in the next three months I have to knock and inch off my waist of I have to alter the darn dress. :( The thing is though I have started on this new website called Sparkpeople.com which is GREAT!! It gives you alot of goals to meet and helps you with food and also plans a shopping list and exercise plan which is what I need. I am also able to chat with people that are in my boat. I know I know what you people think that I dont need to lost weight but in threee year I have put on 27 pounds that is why I have to lose weight. I want people to look at me and know why Matt is with besides my charm and great personality :) :) I am worried though that they will look at me and think why the heck is he with her. When you are married your hubby thinks your great no matter what so its hard. He also like me fat because my boobs are big so he doesnt care that I am 27 pounds bigger then I was three years ago. This year I have a motivation that DRESS!! Its a REALLY pretty dress so I want to look really good in it, I also dont want katie to look at her wedding pics and think man I should have not had liz in my line up because she looks enormouse in that dress!!! So with that said I am determined to be skinny and have muscle I want to be able to carry all the grocieries from the car because I have muscle. That is my goal. Lisa is going to call me and ask me if I have worked out each day and I know I will feel bad telling her yes when I havent and she is so darn skinny and pretty and just knowing that she is going to wear a siz 2 on her wedding day makes me want to shed these tires on my waist.
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