Well if you don't know already Tillman Alexander has made his way into the world!! I do have to say being a mom trumps everything. I can't describe it to someone who hasn't had a baby yet because these feelings can't be described in words. Tillman has made my heart complete and has filled me with so much it is undescribable. We are a family now and this feels like an out of body expeirience. I still look at him and can't believe he is mine. I walk by a mirror and stop because I just look at this little guy and know that I have created such an amazing thing.
Well I am not a modest person so this post will probably gross many out or will make you look at me in a different light if you aren't very close to me but I want to remember this day forever! I also want to share because it was hard work and I want people to know that I will do anything for my son. ;) So here is the story of Tillman Alexander.
We checked in the hospital at 5:00 pm. We were hooked up to Pitocin by 6:30 and he broke my water then as well. I progressed super and then around 9 pm contractions were back to back every minute and so I asked for the epidural. That was the best thing ever!! I really felt great but the epidural stopped my contractions so she stopped the pitocin to see if starting me on it a little later would kick start them again. So around 12:00 she checked me and I was 7cm which means my body was contracting on its own. So we kept going and around 1:30ish the epidural stopped working on my left side. I could feel every contraction on the left side. It was intense!!! Then finally around 3:00 she checked me and I was 10cm. We started to push and everything was going well. Then around 4:45 we realized Tilley wasn't going to move any farther..so the nurse called the doctor in and we talked options. I asked him to try the vacum first. So we contracted and he tried but it kept coming off his head. Then we had to decide should I get an episiotomy or a c section. I opted for the epis. which he shared with me would be a level 4. Not to sound graphic but they call this a vaginal c-section because they cut all the way straight down. After he cut I pushed some more with no luck. So the last step before a c-section was forceps. My doctor was older and he assured me that he had a lot of expierience with forceps so it would be ok. I was determined to get him out so with all my might I pushed one good last push and with the forceps Tilley entered the world at 5:13 am. He was plopped on my chest and the first thought I had was OMG he is a heavy baby!!! The second thought was OMG he looks just like Matt!:) So needless to say they swooped him off my chest and took him to the warmer where the NICU checked him out since he had the forceps. Then Matt held him the entired hour that they stitched me up! He had to really work to get all the tears that this little guy did to me stitched up. After an hour or stitching they handed me my son and I just lost it. It was one of those moments in life where I was so overwhelmed with love and other emotions that I just felt like I was floating!! He was so beautiful and perfect!! He didn't cry when they were taking care of him and I kept asking is he ok is he ok!!
Even though his birth story is a gory one I would do it ten million times over as long as he ends in my arms!! We have such a happy baby who loves life. He doesn't cry and he loves to look around the room and see all of us. I am so in love!!!
1 comment:
Girlfriend, you were put through the ringer. I'm so glad Tilley made it out and is with you. Hope you are healing nicely and enjoying every precious moment.
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