*he always smiles after he poos :) must feel good
*he loves to lay on his belly and sleep on your chest
*he loves any heartbeat white noise machine
*he loves to eat, he eats from both breasts every meal! He loves him some milk (takes after his daddy!)
*he sneezes a lot and he sounds so cute
*eats every 2-3 hours
*HATES his diaper changed...screams BLOODY murder!
*he loves to suck his fingers...he almost can fit his fist in his mouth
*he makes noises when he breathes...we were worried at first but the ped. says everything is ok
*he has blonde hair but it seems to have a slight redish tint to it, Matt doesn't see it but I do! :)
*He hates to sleep on his back...he only wants to be sitting slightly up or held...this worries me because I don't want to start a bad habbit.
*He can blow out a diaper man!! My sons pipes work SUPER!
*he loves his swing which is nice but again I don't want to start a bad habbit!
*He is back up to 9.6 which makes me so happy!
*He loves his mommy and daddy so very much, and we love him to the moon and back!
Here are some pictures that I took to show how big he is. As you can tell momma couldn't move fast enough and he was in no mood for a photo shoot!

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