First sponge bath

First carseat ride!! Mom was a little worried, but dad drove really safe!!

Going home outfit, waiting for Dad to pull around

Holding dads hand, he is so in love with his daddy!

What I looked like the day before Tilley was born
Well all I can say is wow!! How can you love someone so much you only met 6 days ago! Well Tilley is just an amazing addition to our family!! Matt is just as in love with him as I am!! Even though we are running on fumes we are loving every moment!
Well the first few days have ben up and down. Tuesday we went to the ped. and he had lost 1 pound and 2 ounces from birth. They were worried about that since he was so big at birth. So we started to supplement with formula. I was worried and refused to use a bottle so the doctor gave me this neat contraption. It was a syringe that was hooked to a small tube. You filled the syringe and then laid the tube on my nipple. So when he nurses he still gets the colostrum from me and still helps stimulate my breast for my milk to come up but he also gets the formula so that he won't starve. At the ped. office he downed an ounce of food in a minute! It was CRAZY! So we went home that day with this contraption, fed the boy and he was happy. Then we went back tot he ped. the next day and he had gained 6 ounces!! They were very pleased. My milk had just started coming in that day so they wanted me to still sup. a little but do mostly just my milk.
That night was the worst night so far. He could poo for the life of him. With all the formula he had drank his body didn't know what to do with it. He went from having nothing to having tons! So that night he wanted to be held but all he did was cry! Needless to say we were up all night! No one slept except Stella. Then around 3 am he took the biggest loudest poo ever!! Matt and I just laughed and I cried! MAN IT STUNK!!! So then he nursed again and slept for two straight hours!! So did mom, dad had to work! After that poo he has been regular since and he has only had breast milk so that is really a blessing! It is hard seeing your child in pain and there isn't anything you can do!
So now we are on day 6 and things seem to be getting better. He is eating and then sleeping for 2 hours. This is a good routine for us right now so lets hope it continues.
Here are some pictures from the last few days! ENJOY!!
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