It is a very odd feeling sitting on the couch two days away from my due date. For nine straight months I sat here wishing this day would come and now it is almost here and I still haven't had this little guy. I know may FTM go a week over but my heart is starting to get sad because I want him here so bad. I know when I go Monday they will tell me I have one more week to wait and then they will induce me. I have a feeling that he is going to need some persuasion to come out. My body is doing many things to get ready but he doesn't seem to want to budge. I am also growing each week which makes these ugly stretch marks bigger and bigger. No more two piece bathing suits for me! It is also hard when everyone asks when is he coming out. It makes me want to cry. Matt keeps asking and I know he isn't doing it to be mean but I am so tired of it because I want him out just as bad as he does. It is really hard to be positive about this last part when everythin hurts, you feel fat as a cow, you can't pee without pain or eat with out pain, your feet are swollen and when you walk you feel like you have to pee with every step. The other hard part is I sweat really bad as a person. Being pregnant and these hot days it has increased a lot. Well I sweat so bad my underwear are soaked which makes you ponder the thought...did my water break! Do you know how embarrassing it would be to call your doctor and say I think my water broke and in reality you just sweated a ton. Yea so needless to say the next few days I don't think I am going to be a pleasant person to be around. I feel bad for being bitchy and my dad always taught me if you complain about something you better do something about it. I can't do anything about this which makes the complaing even worse! I really want to be positive but I think I have hit my limit. I am really glad we aren't planning on any more kids for at least 4 years!!!
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