Paradise Hotel 2
Not sure if you have heard of it or not but I had never. So the gist of the show is a group or men and women are put up in this paradise hotel and they are trying to hook up with people because if they don't then they wont be picked to be someones roomate. So basically you have to sleep with people to ensure that you have a roomate. It was so shocking to see that there were real life people on this show. I couldn't belive that someone would think this was a good idea. Matt and I were blown away. This makes me really scared for my children. I mean we were watching TV around 9 which is sort of late but not really. If this what is going to be on TV I really am worried. Also when I was flipping through the channels and I laded on the Family channel they were playing Where the Heart Is. Now don't get me wrong...I love that movie but not for kids. There are alot of things going on in that movie that I don't think is appropriate for young children. It should not be played on the Family chanel. Now I know that it is the parents job to monitor but I can see where it's a hard thing.
Ok stepping down from my soap box...
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