Ok so last night I rented the movie "The Bucket List." It was a really funny movie but it was one of those movies that makes you think about your life and all the things you have and haven't accomplished. I decided last night I would start a bucket list here and hopefully some day I will have completed them all by the time I "kick the bucket."
(in no particular order)
1. Take my amazing husband to Europe to see the majestic sites it has to offer
2. Give my husband beautiful children
3. Get a tattoo of a ladybug with the dots spelled out E and M (not sure if this will ever happen but we will see)
4. Run in a marathon
5. Read the entire bible cover to cover and really dig into the word
6. Create some kind of program (summer or afterschool) that empowers children
7. Get my masters degree
8. Travel to Africa and take pictures of Gods country
9. Help my dad fufill a life long dream of climbling Mt. Everast
10. Run for some time of political office
maybe more to come later.....
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