So this summer is going to be a blast since I am teaching summer school..NOT :) I am excited because it will keep my mind off of things.
So while I was on the internet yesterday I was on facebook.com and I saw an add on the side which was for bluenile.com
It showed a diamond on the side and you know woman and their diamonds so I clicked it. I was sucked in and was hooked for hours. HEHE I went on and you can create any type of jewlery you want. The greatest part is you make a wish list and send it to people so they know exactly what you want. Since everyone around me who buys me gifts are millionares I am excited (j/k but a girl can dream can't she!) So in this hour of messing around I created my dream engagement ring. I know I know some of you are like what you already have one...I do...but see when Matt and I got engage we had two factors that impeaded the engagement ring purchase. Number one was we never talked about it. So he was going off of his judgment and anything I might have looked at in magazines. The second was that we were poor. We didn't have a hole lot of money so the ring was a budgeted ring. So with that said here is the DREAM ring that I would love to see someday. So that is my dirty little secret.
I have a few more that I would like to admit since I am on a roll.
I am a blog stalker....I know I know that is weird but it is true. I read strangers blog....I think it is a woman thing. We love to know all and gossip is fun. I love to read about people and their happenings since my life is pretty mundane. It is something that Matt will never understand. He thinks it is the oddest thing ever.
The last confession for the day is I absolutly hate using the restroom. Up until this past year I would never use the restroom during the day because I hate it so much. It is not a phobia its annoying. I hate having to take the time to do all tha tyou need to do to use the restroom. I really hate the whole thing. It is even worse using public restrooms. I rarely rarely use them. It is part phobia part I just hate. The people I work with think I am weird and it is but I just can't change it. When I was little I would get sent home because I couldn't use the restroom during the day at school. I would get sent hom because I would cry until they called my mom. (this was kindergarten if that helps explain anything)
So now you know some dirty little secrets...maybe there will be more to come later
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