Monday, June 30, 2008
such a sweet husband...
So you may not know but Matt goes to VA Monday through Thursday. He comes back late Thursday night and works from home Friday. Well this weekend he came home and went to the grocery store for me and came back with two of my favorite things! I sooo love that man!!!
first attempt at sewing...
So a friend of mine sewed her very own hooter hider and it looked really easy. You can also find sewing for dummys guide to this hooter hider so I attempted my very first solo sewing project. I wanted to sew something that was meaning full so I thought if I did this well I could make them as gifts to my pregnant friends. Here are the pictures.

Saturday, June 28, 2008
What the heck is on TV these days.....
Ok so my dearest hubby and I were watching TV last night and we were watching "Meet My Folks" which is where a person has their parents pick from three contestants who they think is best for their child. After it was over another reality show came on and I was SHOCKED!!!
Paradise Hotel 2

Not sure if you have heard of it or not but I had never. So the gist of the show is a group or men and women are put up in this paradise hotel and they are trying to hook up with people because if they don't then they wont be picked to be someones roomate. So basically you have to sleep with people to ensure that you have a roomate. It was so shocking to see that there were real life people on this show. I couldn't belive that someone would think this was a good idea. Matt and I were blown away. This makes me really scared for my children. I mean we were watching TV around 9 which is sort of late but not really. If this what is going to be on TV I really am worried. Also when I was flipping through the channels and I laded on the Family channel they were playing Where the Heart Is. Now don't get me wrong...I love that movie but not for kids. There are alot of things going on in that movie that I don't think is appropriate for young children. It should not be played on the Family chanel. Now I know that it is the parents job to monitor but I can see where it's a hard thing.
Ok stepping down from my soap box...
Paradise Hotel 2
Not sure if you have heard of it or not but I had never. So the gist of the show is a group or men and women are put up in this paradise hotel and they are trying to hook up with people because if they don't then they wont be picked to be someones roomate. So basically you have to sleep with people to ensure that you have a roomate. It was so shocking to see that there were real life people on this show. I couldn't belive that someone would think this was a good idea. Matt and I were blown away. This makes me really scared for my children. I mean we were watching TV around 9 which is sort of late but not really. If this what is going to be on TV I really am worried. Also when I was flipping through the channels and I laded on the Family channel they were playing Where the Heart Is. Now don't get me wrong...I love that movie but not for kids. There are alot of things going on in that movie that I don't think is appropriate for young children. It should not be played on the Family chanel. Now I know that it is the parents job to monitor but I can see where it's a hard thing.
Ok stepping down from my soap box...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Never been tagged...
So I have never been tagged so I decided that I would fill you in on a little about me....
5 Things under 5 dollars that I could not live without
contact solution (cheap brand)
toothbrush and paste
5 Favorite Movies
Pretty Woman
The Notebook
Made in Manhatten
Finding Nemo
5 Baby Names that I love (all boys b/c that is what is on my brain and in my belly right now)
Check post below
3 Songs I could listen to over and over
Time After Time
Jack and Diane
Don't Take the Girl
5 people who have influenced me in a positive way
Dad and Mom
Aunt Elizabeth
5 things that are always in my purse
cell phone
5 moments that have changed my life forever
parents getting divorced
getting a drinking ticket in highschool
graduating college
May 14th 2005-wedding day
November 29th 2005-receiving the phone call about a job offer to an amazing school
5 obsessions I have now
the move to VA
plans for the next school year
learning how to sew cool things
5 places I like to go
5 kitchen appliances I couldn't do without
apple corer
5 future goals for myself
have children
go on a 2nd honeymoon since the first was a bust
become an officer in NCAE
run a marathon
learn spanish
5 Things under 5 dollars that I could not live without
contact solution (cheap brand)
toothbrush and paste
5 Favorite Movies
Pretty Woman
The Notebook
Made in Manhatten
Finding Nemo
5 Baby Names that I love (all boys b/c that is what is on my brain and in my belly right now)
Check post below
3 Songs I could listen to over and over
Time After Time
Jack and Diane
Don't Take the Girl
5 people who have influenced me in a positive way
Dad and Mom
Aunt Elizabeth
5 things that are always in my purse
cell phone
5 moments that have changed my life forever
parents getting divorced
getting a drinking ticket in highschool
graduating college
May 14th 2005-wedding day
November 29th 2005-receiving the phone call about a job offer to an amazing school
5 obsessions I have now
the move to VA
plans for the next school year
learning how to sew cool things
5 places I like to go
5 kitchen appliances I couldn't do without
apple corer
5 future goals for myself
have children
go on a 2nd honeymoon since the first was a bust
become an officer in NCAE
run a marathon
learn spanish
Bucket List
Ok so last night I rented the movie "The Bucket List." It was a really funny movie but it was one of those movies that makes you think about your life and all the things you have and haven't accomplished. I decided last night I would start a bucket list here and hopefully some day I will have completed them all by the time I "kick the bucket."
(in no particular order)
1. Take my amazing husband to Europe to see the majestic sites it has to offer
2. Give my husband beautiful children
3. Get a tattoo of a ladybug with the dots spelled out E and M (not sure if this will ever happen but we will see)
4. Run in a marathon
5. Read the entire bible cover to cover and really dig into the word
6. Create some kind of program (summer or afterschool) that empowers children
7. Get my masters degree
8. Travel to Africa and take pictures of Gods country
9. Help my dad fufill a life long dream of climbling Mt. Everast
10. Run for some time of political office
maybe more to come later.....
(in no particular order)
1. Take my amazing husband to Europe to see the majestic sites it has to offer
2. Give my husband beautiful children
3. Get a tattoo of a ladybug with the dots spelled out E and M (not sure if this will ever happen but we will see)
4. Run in a marathon
5. Read the entire bible cover to cover and really dig into the word
6. Create some kind of program (summer or afterschool) that empowers children
7. Get my masters degree
8. Travel to Africa and take pictures of Gods country
9. Help my dad fufill a life long dream of climbling Mt. Everast
10. Run for some time of political office
maybe more to come later.....
Thursday, June 26, 2008

So tomorrow is the most exciting day in many months. I am getting my haircut. I am so excited....I really love getting my haircut. In 2005 I posted a picture of my haircut. You know it makes me feel so pretty to get a haircut that is really different and cute. So I am have been looking at peoples hair and thinking about what I want done. I really want it shorter because I am finding myself putting it in a ponytail. I want that to be a thing of the past. I also wish we had the money so I could get it highlighted but that is also a walmart purchase.
So I am going to post some pictures of the haircuts I like and tomorrow I will post a picture of my hair before and after.
Here are some that I like
bored and random...

Ok so I am bored sitting at home with nothing to do. That doesn't mean there isn't anything to do because I have plenty to clean or organize but that isn't what I want to do. So I thought I would let you in on a little secret.
Ok so many of you that know me that isn't a secret. I love new clothes. That is really all I like to shop for. My favorite store of all time is This store is the best place to get work clothes that are nice, cheap, and machine washable. That is a must. If I can't wash it I wont buy it.
So being a teacher and having a shopping addiction doens't mesh well. Since I don't get paid over the summer I really hate being a teacher since I can't go shopping. Not making money makes the shopping a little difficult. Matt hates clothes shopping period whether we had money or not. I am not sure why since he was a huge clothes freak when he was in college. So I am going through clothes withdrawl and to help that I serf the net to look at all the beautiful clothes and dream I had them.
Really this is an addiction I need to kick...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
never stop learning...

So today I sat through a workshop that the county allows teachers to take and it was exhausting.....not because it was alot of work but because it was boring. I really hate spending and entire day in one of these and you know that it isn't really benificial. This workshop was on problem solving and it came with a great book but the actual workshop wasn't worth the day. They went through some of the lessons and it didn't really help any. I think when you start one of these workshops you have an idea of what it will be about and when it isn't about that particular idea you are not happy. All I know is that I wasted one of my few days off....(now I know you think I have an entire summer but I dont....I start summer school in a week so I don't have an entire summer. :) )
Well Last night I went to a dear friends house to eat crab legs and shrimp and it was a blast. I was so nice to sit down with some ladies and have lady time. It was so nice because we just chatted about not so important stuff which is what I need right now. We had so much fun. It is hard though because three of the ladies are single ladies and I want them to find what I have with Matt. One of them really likes her neighbor and he came and ate with us and you could tell she really wanted him to stay but he left early. She was so sad. I wanted to tell her it would be ok and that he will come around but I don't know that for a fact. I want the best for her but I don't know what to say to make her feel better. I was never really in that dating scene because I met matt right out of highschool. We were met for each other but I never really felt like these ladies. I didn't really search for matt we just feel into each others laps. I just hope they find that person that completes them like Matt completes me. :)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Books I read this summer!!
So I am going to keep a running list as well as a synopsus about each book to let everyone know about some great books out there.
Mercy-Jodi Picoult
This is a great book by Jodi. It is one of her older ones but it is great. It is a story about a man who loves a woman so much that he killed her because she was dying of cancer. He brought her to a town where his cousin is the police cheif. He knows that he will be arrested when he tells him but hopes that his cousin can help. The story unfolds about the murder as well as the struggle that the cousin has. This book makes you think about love and the means in which love can be used.
***** five stars!!
Changing Heart-Jodi Picoult
This is another wonderful book. This is her newest book. It is a story about a prison inamte who murders a little girl and her father and ends up in jail. While in jail he hears about the sister of the girl he killed who needs a heart transplant. He wants to give her his heart but because he will be killed by lethal injection there is no way his heart can be transplanted. While it jail he tries to get the courts to find another way to kill him so he can give her his heart. While in jail he starts to cause some fishy things to happen like turn wine into water and heal a baby bird that died. These things make people like maybe he is the messiah. You will have to read to find out what happens in the end.
***** five stars!!!!
Mercy-Jodi Picoult
This is a great book by Jodi. It is one of her older ones but it is great. It is a story about a man who loves a woman so much that he killed her because she was dying of cancer. He brought her to a town where his cousin is the police cheif. He knows that he will be arrested when he tells him but hopes that his cousin can help. The story unfolds about the murder as well as the struggle that the cousin has. This book makes you think about love and the means in which love can be used.
***** five stars!!
Changing Heart-Jodi Picoult
This is another wonderful book. This is her newest book. It is a story about a prison inamte who murders a little girl and her father and ends up in jail. While in jail he hears about the sister of the girl he killed who needs a heart transplant. He wants to give her his heart but because he will be killed by lethal injection there is no way his heart can be transplanted. While it jail he tries to get the courts to find another way to kill him so he can give her his heart. While in jail he starts to cause some fishy things to happen like turn wine into water and heal a baby bird that died. These things make people like maybe he is the messiah. You will have to read to find out what happens in the end.
***** five stars!!!!
dirty little secret

So this summer is going to be a blast since I am teaching summer school..NOT :) I am excited because it will keep my mind off of things.
So while I was on the internet yesterday I was on and I saw an add on the side which was for
It showed a diamond on the side and you know woman and their diamonds so I clicked it. I was sucked in and was hooked for hours. HEHE I went on and you can create any type of jewlery you want. The greatest part is you make a wish list and send it to people so they know exactly what you want. Since everyone around me who buys me gifts are millionares I am excited (j/k but a girl can dream can't she!) So in this hour of messing around I created my dream engagement ring. I know I know some of you are like what you already have one...I do...but see when Matt and I got engage we had two factors that impeaded the engagement ring purchase. Number one was we never talked about it. So he was going off of his judgment and anything I might have looked at in magazines. The second was that we were poor. We didn't have a hole lot of money so the ring was a budgeted ring. So with that said here is the DREAM ring that I would love to see someday. So that is my dirty little secret.
I have a few more that I would like to admit since I am on a roll.
I am a blog stalker....I know I know that is weird but it is true. I read strangers blog....I think it is a woman thing. We love to know all and gossip is fun. I love to read about people and their happenings since my life is pretty mundane. It is something that Matt will never understand. He thinks it is the oddest thing ever.
The last confession for the day is I absolutly hate using the restroom. Up until this past year I would never use the restroom during the day because I hate it so much. It is not a phobia its annoying. I hate having to take the time to do all tha tyou need to do to use the restroom. I really hate the whole thing. It is even worse using public restrooms. I rarely rarely use them. It is part phobia part I just hate. The people I work with think I am weird and it is but I just can't change it. When I was little I would get sent home because I couldn't use the restroom during the day at school. I would get sent hom because I would cry until they called my mom. (this was kindergarten if that helps explain anything)
So now you know some dirty little secrets...maybe there will be more to come later
Monday, June 23, 2008
baby names
so I always run across names I love and don't want to forget and then I forget them
Here is a list I am starting to write down all the baby names I hear so I wont forget any and when the time comes I can use them :)
Harper Elise
Carson Marie
Camden Marie
Madison Leigh
Camryn Leigh
Tilman Cohen
Connor Jacob
more to come......
Here is a list I am starting to write down all the baby names I hear so I wont forget any and when the time comes I can use them :)
Harper Elise
Carson Marie
Camden Marie
Madison Leigh
Camryn Leigh
Tilman Cohen
Connor Jacob
more to come......
Summer Vacation is HERE!!!
Well it has been awhile since I have updated and to my knowledge there is only one person that I know reads this stupid thing. I like keeping it up because I love to look back and read all the older blogs.
So we went to Florida for vacation and it was a blast. we had so much fun just laying around with the family and catching up on missed time. We went to Seaworld and Blizzard Beach which was a blast. I had not been to Seaworld so it was a great exp. We love spending time with family but this year def showed that have six people who are all adults can be tiring at times. We add had to agree on dinner and what to do and that was hard. We loved it though and are very greatful for our fmaily and this trip together.
Well as you can tell summer is here and I am loving it. I hate the stigma though. It boils my blood when I talk to people now and they all say "man I wish I was a teacher so I could have the summer off!" or " Man I need a job change, teachers have it great...they get the summer off!!" I know I know that they don't mean it in a malace (hope I spelled that right) way but it errks me because it isn't like I set my calendar and its not like I make a million dollars. You would NOT have teachers that last more then three years if we didn't have the summers off. We would go out of our mind!! Any teacher will tell you these breaks are CRUCIAL for our well being. I do though have a summer job. I am teaching summer school which is great because it will keep my mind off of this move.
That brings me to the MOVE. So no new news. We are still waiting around for someone to buy our house. I am so conflicted!!! I really want to stay but I know in my heart how hard it would be for me to stay, and how easy it would be if I moved. We would be saving SOOO much money but I don't want to leave. A part of me wants to just sell this stupid house and move. Kind of like a bandaid removal. The quicker it happens to less pain you feel or at least it doesn't last as long. I really am conflicted. It is so hard because I can't really talk to Matt about it because he doesn't want me to stay but knows the reality of all this. I was reading a book my sister in law had by Max Lucado and it really gave peace to my heart at the time. I really felt like God was speaking to me and that he would show us his plan. I don't know what to think about anymore. I just wish this would all be decided and things would move on.
So you know when you dream or think about something and then after that particular time, you seem to see that thing everywhere! Well I can't seem to get baby's off my brain. I see them everywhere and I can't get them off my mind. I know I know...its that season but I and so excited when I see a baby or a pregnant lady but there is a sense of jelousy because I want to be that woman....I want a family with Matt. I know that this is another part of our plan but I wish that this part would speed up so we can get to the other part!! :)
So we went to Florida for vacation and it was a blast. we had so much fun just laying around with the family and catching up on missed time. We went to Seaworld and Blizzard Beach which was a blast. I had not been to Seaworld so it was a great exp. We love spending time with family but this year def showed that have six people who are all adults can be tiring at times. We add had to agree on dinner and what to do and that was hard. We loved it though and are very greatful for our fmaily and this trip together.
Well as you can tell summer is here and I am loving it. I hate the stigma though. It boils my blood when I talk to people now and they all say "man I wish I was a teacher so I could have the summer off!" or " Man I need a job change, teachers have it great...they get the summer off!!" I know I know that they don't mean it in a malace (hope I spelled that right) way but it errks me because it isn't like I set my calendar and its not like I make a million dollars. You would NOT have teachers that last more then three years if we didn't have the summers off. We would go out of our mind!! Any teacher will tell you these breaks are CRUCIAL for our well being. I do though have a summer job. I am teaching summer school which is great because it will keep my mind off of this move.
That brings me to the MOVE. So no new news. We are still waiting around for someone to buy our house. I am so conflicted!!! I really want to stay but I know in my heart how hard it would be for me to stay, and how easy it would be if I moved. We would be saving SOOO much money but I don't want to leave. A part of me wants to just sell this stupid house and move. Kind of like a bandaid removal. The quicker it happens to less pain you feel or at least it doesn't last as long. I really am conflicted. It is so hard because I can't really talk to Matt about it because he doesn't want me to stay but knows the reality of all this. I was reading a book my sister in law had by Max Lucado and it really gave peace to my heart at the time. I really felt like God was speaking to me and that he would show us his plan. I don't know what to think about anymore. I just wish this would all be decided and things would move on.
So you know when you dream or think about something and then after that particular time, you seem to see that thing everywhere! Well I can't seem to get baby's off my brain. I see them everywhere and I can't get them off my mind. I know I know...its that season but I and so excited when I see a baby or a pregnant lady but there is a sense of jelousy because I want to be that woman....I want a family with Matt. I know that this is another part of our plan but I wish that this part would speed up so we can get to the other part!! :)
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