Well the past week has been a crazy week! I am normally a pretty healthy person. I don't get sick really and injuries are rare! Well the past week I have had two injuries or ailments that haven't gone away!
My right knee started hurting last Saturday after I ran. It feels like there is a ton of pressure under my knee cap. I went to Raleigh Orthopedic and she said she thinks it is soft tissue and an MRI is what I need to show if there are any tears. Great there goes another 1000 dollars down the drain! Then my brain tells me that it is better to be safe then sorry! I don't want to be 45 needing a knee replacement because I didn't take care of the two I have.
While my knee was hurting and I was icing it, I noticed a lump on my hand. It didn't hurt and seemed to be just a cyst. Then as the week progress it started to hurt really bad. It is attached to the middle finger of my right hand and moves with it. Then it starts to cause a burning sensation in my hand. It is sore to close my hand or even type. Raleigh Ortho said I needed to go to hand specialist because of the pain. So I have to make an appointment on Monday!
I hope this covers me for a few years! I will update you on the prognosis of both!
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