Well today marked the final day of our sixth year of marriage! Five years didn't seem like a lot but six seems like a ton! Not sure how that works but it does! Matt and I have been together for a total of 8 years since we dated for two years before getting married. 8 years I have been part of his family as they accepted me the day he introduced me to them!
Don't let anyone fool you marriage is hard work! Everyday you make a choice to be married and to fully give yourself to someone! We are all so judgmental of other peoples marriages and compare ours to theirs but in the end I believe that each marriage is unique and what works for us may not work for you! Matt and I have a marriage that is equal but also independent. We don't do each others laundry but we both do chores around the house. We share a bank account but each get an allowance. We love to hang out together but also enjoy having our quiet time alone doing hobbies we love! I love our marriage and it works for us! We like any couple have our ups and downs but I think they make us stronger and eager to reach the next mile stone.
My parents divorced after ten years and I always thought that after ten years how could you leave all that you have created together. Again I wasn't in their marriage so I am not being judgmental but I am reflecting on my marriage because I don't want to end up in a divorce. One thing we learned in our marriage camp that we attended six months after we were married was that each person should give 90% and expect 10%. If you both do that then you will surpass each others expectations and live happily ever after! This is something that sits with me because most days I don't give 90%. Most days I expect 90% and only give 10% maybe 15%. With this said, I do have to say that my husband is one amazing fella! He puts up with a lot! I am a busy person who has mood swings like the tides of the ocean! He knows how to defuse me and how to push my buttons! He cares deeply about our son and our family and works his butt off to support us! Those days that I only give 5% I regret because I know that he is always working to give his all to our family!
Reflection I think is one key component in a marriage and without it your marriage will fail. Matt and I will have days where we will reflect on an old argument or conversation and share with each other how we felt with what was said. This helps for the next time!
I can't wait to look back in six years and read this post to see how things have grown and changed for the better! Posting without a picture is lame! Here is the family on vacation in Orlando!
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