You know your a mother when your screaming 15.8 pound son is screaming to be fed so you bring your boppy and chunky monkey into the bathroom with you and nurse while peeing!! You gotta do what you gotta do!!
You know your a mother when your son spits up in your hair and instead of taking a shower, which I should mention you haven't taken all day, you use your own spit to wipe the spitup out of your hair so you can look some what presentable while food shopping.
You know your a mother when instead of taking your son out of the carseat to comfort him because he is screaming you drive in sharp slow donut in the parking lot while waiting on your husband to drop off the lawnmower at the repair shop. This didn;t make me proud but my arms were tired, my brain was tired and I needed him to go to sleep.
You know your a first time mother when you get home and put on the baby bjorn throw your son into and then proceed to bop his head into everything while trying to get a million things done for the next day. I had no clue how far he stuck out on that thing and when would turn a corner or open the fridge he somehow would get bopped with whatever I was doing. He was ok but I laughed many times and apologized many more!! Hope he doesn't have permanent scaring from this.
You know your a mother when you chop off four inches of your hair because you literally don't have time to change your underwear much less fix your hair. Short hair can go out of the house wet and still look somewhat presentable.
You know your a mother when you sleep in eye makeup from the day before and not scrub your face to hard so it still looks like there is some makeup left over for the next day at work. If I don't wear makeup I look like a fifth grader with my short hair, spitup clothes and flats. I gotta do something to stand out even if it is day old eye makeup!
You know your a mom when you walk around school with a huge wet spot on your pants because your brest pump over flowed while you closed your eyes for a short 5 min cat nap. Luckily breat milk doesn't stain or smell because I would have had to change my pants.
So life is crazy and hard but boy being a mom is a lot of fun when you sit back and think about it! I love the T- Man more than life itself and I wouldn't change being a mom for anything!
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