All smiles these days!
Tillman at 9 weeks (Monkey Man is lookin small these days)
Ok so as you can tell at 8 weeks I went back to work. Man is it kicking my butt. Working and having and infant at home is exahusting. It really makes you prioritize your life and decide what you need to do and what is most important. The past three weeks have been insane. School has started and my sweet boy started with his nanny Lana! Man does she love this little boy. I have always known I was not stay at home material but I knew also that I didn't want him in some crappy daycare with hundreds of kids. I wanted the place to be small and intamite as well as clean and focused on the child. Lana does that, her house is imaculent. She loves him so much it makes me feel so much better. I truely don't worry about him during the day. Everday I pick him up and he is in such a good mood and loves where he is! He also gets tons of stimulation with the other kids there!
Well the little guy is growing up fast. We went to our two month checkup and he was 15.8 pounds and his height was 24 inches even. He also had a head circum. of 14 inches. His weight was in the 95th percentile and his height and head were in the 75th. Doctor said everything looked great! He took his two shots like a champ. He had such a delayed reaction his face turned bright red and he started to scrunch his forehead and then I picked him up and his hand went into his mouth and he was fine. He didn't want me to put him down so it was kinda hard to get his clothes back on but he did great. He decided to delay some shots so that made me feel a little better but let me tell you with all this controversy over shots and all things you read about them my heart hurt after we gave them to him. I was so worried he was going to have a bad reaction and even though we waited on some I had this war in my head about the others because what if he got something that I could have vaccinated for or what if something happens because of the vaccines. Up until this point he hadn't had a shot and I just battle in my head each time I think about it. We are on a delayed schedul so that makes me feel a little better and I know he will have to have them all before school but it is so hard to look at your ten week old and inject these foreign substances into them.
He is eat 5-6 ounces of food every three to four hours which makes for a hungry boy. He downs a bottle so fast and it makes me laugh because it's like he hadn't eaten in days. I am still pumping at school which makes things a little crazy. Right now I am only pumping twice and each time I get ten ounces so that is enough food for the next day. It seems to be working out well and when he gets home I nurse him through the night and then start the routine all over again. On the weekends I nurse him only that way my milk will stay up. I am trying hard to drink water throughout the day but it is really really hard. I have a nalgen bottle that I fill up and I HATE getting water from the water fountain so I have a milk jug of water in the fridge I refil my bottle with so hopefully I will keep up with it. I do still have a diet coke and coffee in the morning.
The sweet boy is "talking" up a storm. He is squiling and making gagaga noises. The other morning he was saying dadadadada while laying in his crib. By the time I made it in there with the video camera he had stopped. Lana said he says it all the time so hopefully Matt can hear it one day.
He is sleeping much better now. The last week man he was waking up every two hours. The past three nights he has gone down at 8 and slept till 12 and then slept till 4 which I can do. The every two hours I can't do!
These are just pictures of his 9 week photo shoot. I have the eight week ones on the other computer and the ten week ones are still on the camera. I will add those later.
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