Last Saturday I had my second shower which was super! We had a lot of people come and it was so nice to see people I haven't seen in years. We got many presents and Tilley is much loved. We couldn't wait to go home and set everything up.
We spend a week at Myrtle Beach with the family. This was a nice relaxing trip. The weather was a little chilly but it was nice to get away. We wen't to the Carter outlet and bought some cute outfits for when he gets bigger. Nothing we bought was under nine months because we already have SOOOOO many NB clothes.
Well my mom and I were talking the other day and she shared with me that her friend works for Britax. For the non baby people out there, this is a very nice carseat company. Matt and I had already decided on a carseat from Britax so we have saved all our giftcards till we had enough to go ahead and buy it. The carseat in the stores that we wanted was 330. Well mom told us that her friend can get the carseat for 100. I WAS SO EXCITED!! We called him to make sure he could get the one we wanted and he could. We have to return our seat this weekend that we bought and the one he is getting for us will come in soon!! I am so excited because this saves us 200 dollars!! What a blessing for us because we have many things still on our registry that we need to get which means the gift cards we have saved from this car seat can go to something else!
Well I have hit 31 weeks. Someone asked today am I getting sick of being pregnant and I said yes but I would say I am getting sick of it. I am just ready to meet him and have him to hold. Things are getting harder such as bending over, getting comfortable, sitting in chairs for long periods of time. The drive to the beach was so hard because I was in so much pain. He is getting bigger and bigger and I know he is getting tight in there which means that his movements are felt all over. I am also anxious to meet him. I want to hold him and I want to see his little face with his little personality!
Pray for us this week because we may have some exciting news come Friday!! I can't say anymore but just know that this is what we have been praying for, FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS!!!!
Well I am off to write in Tilley's journal that I have started. I have not been really good about writing in it but I really want him to have something from me when he gets older!

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