Ok so I have been horrible updating each week or so but 29 weeks is such a OMG moment for me. I am one week away from 30 which means I am so close to having this sweet boy in my arms! The above picture is of me and my long time friend Laura. She is eighteen weeks pregnant but would have never thought we would be pregnant at the same time. She is due in September and she finds out April 17th what she is having!
29 weeks is such a long time from when this all started. Matt and I were talking in the car about the day we found out and all the things that have gone on since we found out. Tilly hopefully someday will know how much he is loved by his dad and I. I hope one day he can sit back and read some of the letters I have written and know way before he even got here he was loved by so many people. I am starting to get really excited about him getting here. The selfish part of me can't wait because even though he will love everyone that is around, I am the person he will need the most. I am the person that will be able to comfort him and give him what he needs when he needs it the most. I can't wait to see his face and find out who he looks more like.
We are going to have to wait awhile before the second one comes because of daycare, so I am trying to cherish every moment. I want to remember it all so that it will hold me till the second one. I am excited about having to wait a little because I couldn't imagine have two really close together. My mom said when she got pregnant with my brother she couldn't imagine loving another person as much as she loved me. When he was born she saw that she could but I think the same thing all the time. I don't want Tilly to be shorted any love because we decide to have a second one. It amazes me to see moms with more then one that are close in age because the love both their children the equally and are amazing moms. I hope I can handle one, and then we will think about a second one! :)
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