So this weekend has been filled with some big bummers....before I get to that, I would like to say thank you to all the men and women that serve our country and give us the freedoms we have!
So this weekend was our camping trip to New River State park. It started out great. We left on time and got there in plenty of time. When we pulled up the parking lott was filled with cars. We got worried because that means that there were tons of campers. Now is where I will tell you that this place never has more then three or four people camping. We were shocked. So we hiked the distance to see if there were any sites...there weren't any. We were stuck. We didn't know what to do. There wasn't anywhere to camp and we just drove three and a half hours. So we decided to find the ranger to ask him what we should do. As we drove back we saw the RV camping area and decided to pop our tent there. It was alot more money to camp there but we had no other choice. So that night passed and the next morning we went to see if a site opened up. It did so we move our stuff which was a hike. The site was the last one and we had to walk forever to get there. Once we set everything up our friends showed up and we helped them set up. After that we went to the river for a swim with the pups and then we played games. Overall that day was great. The night is where things turned. It rained so hard that night our tent was soaked in and out. We were so pissed. Along with the rain some of the other guest were very loud and annoying all night long. I don't think I slept one minute. We got up and it was cloudy and rainy. Not hard but enough where you had to stay under something or you would get wet. So we played games and that got old around one. That is when we decided that the weather wasn't going to get any better so we decided to pack everything up and head home. That was our weekend which sucks because we were looking forward to it so much.
Well today we sat around slept alot and had to go to Kays because a diamond fell out of my wedding band. Which stinks because I have not been good about keeping up the warrenty which means we will have to buy a new diamond. This teaches me a lesson. After they replace it I can reinstate the warrenty and keep it up in case this happens again.
Well this has been a crazy weekend as well because we thought we might have had a buyer for our house. They really liked it but they didn't qualify for enough money to buy our house. So tomorrow we will show it again and hopefully somehting will come of it. Now many of you know that this move has been really hard. I am literally torn in two directions. Raleigh is home and I don't want to leave. Richmond is where my husband is and I desperatly want to be there with him. I can't look for a job until the house sells and we don't know when that is. The house wont sell because we can't drop the price to much. Matt has to work to make enough money for the house. If I start the school year and the house sells I have to leave half way through. If the house sells before school I have to leave and I don't even have a job which is ok because we could live off of what Matt makes. My heart is so sad and I am so scared because I don't know what will happen. From the begining I secretly didn't want the house to sell because I wanted to stay. I wanted something else to come up so I could have my cake and eat it to. Now I just want this house to sell before school starts so I don't have to leave half way through. If it doesn't sell I am scared of what will happen this year. I am stressed because there isn't much time for it to sell and I am scared because Matt and I are both stressed. I am upset because I don't want to leave and I don't have a job in VA. They haven't called me even though I have done everything to get a job. I am just annoyed right now. Matt and I are stressing each other out which stinks. Please pray that the house sells before August first because I don't know what is going to happen. I feel that this is my fault in a way because I secretly didn't want the house to sell. I was selfish and I am scared this will hurt us in the end. I just hope Gods knows that I see that now and that I will now allow him to do his job and that it is all in his hands. I am scared.
Summer school starts tomorrow and I am tired and not sure what I am going to do. Please pray that I have the strength to do this for sixteen days.
We have two fun things planned for the next two weekends. A baby shower and a wedding!! I am so excited because I care about the two women and I am so excited for them!!!
Sorry no pictures from camping..again I forgot that really nice camera that is collecting dust!!! I promise to have some from the shower and wedding!!!
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