So this weekend I had the great pleasure of being part of the judging team of Odyssey of the Mind. For many of you who aren't in the AG group of kids (joke) I will explain. OM is a program design to help children problem solve and to come up with a solution to a problem of their choice. When they solve the problem to go to compition and compete with schools all over and show their solution. Their solution can vary but they are judged on two areas. Style and general. I am a general judge which means I watch them and make sure they are within regulations but also be subjective when it comes to creativness and other aspects. Now I know you are knodding asleep as I type but to a big old dork like me I love this stuff!! I love watching children perform and problem solve. If I was staying in NC I would def start up an OM team at millbrook! I love the idea behind this program because it isn't for just smart AG children it is created for children who can problem solve and cooperate.
Well things have been great. We are just hanging around and waiting for the right buyer. We have shown it four times and no bite. We know the right family is out there we just hate the waiting game. We want someone to come get it!!
School is sad. I hate knowing I am leaving. It is hard to get excited to go out and and get things done I wont use but for a few months.
Ok I just pulled over my soap box and I am ready for my speech. As you read below I love DONORSCHOOSE!!! It is an amazing website for teachers to write "grants" and receive supplies for their room. Well I found out friday that those supplies are the property of WCPSS. I am so upset!!! I know I know people who know anything about grants you know that the itesm are the property of the organization not hte person. Well first of all I didn't knwo that about grants. What I did know was that if you read the website it states that depending on how the grant is written it depends on who the iteme belong to. I am so upset because if I knew this I wouldn't written all these grants because I knew I was leaving. I just hate that this is going to leave a bad taste in my mouth.
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