So as I sit here on my day off which I have to say was much needed I sit here and ponder on thoughts I haven't had time to think about. So on Friday we welcomed a new addition to the Millbrook clan. Her name is Caroline Elizabeth which makes me happy because Elizabeth is an amazing name I have to say. People with that name have amazing strong lives ahead of them! :) This new addition has brought on a flood of thoughts. I was sitting here thinking that I turn 24 this year which is really odd to me. Granted it is really far away since my birthday isn't until November but that doesnt erase the fact that 24 is coming this year. I never thought about how much I would have accomplished by 24 because I always thought about twenty or 18 never 24. The funny thing is that I have accomplished many things and 24 is a year that I hope brings many more. Welcoming this new addition has made me think about how a year seemed so long a few years ago and now it doesn't. A year is short and can bring many great things and many changes. I talked witha friend last night that I hadn't talked with in awhile and it made me think about those years that have flown by and how we have grown. It makes me think about the future and how God has ultimate control and I have non. :) With this bein an election year my heart and head has been filled with so many thoughts and worries for the future. Matt and I are excited about making better choices and setting goals for each other. I think that is really important for anybody is to have goals that are never ending. I turned twenty one and I thought it was all over. I had met EVERY goal I had set plus one. I thought there wasn't anything else to accomplish and I was wrong. I am excited and it makes me happy to think that I have many more things to do in my lifetime.
I feel that Matt and I have grown alot in the past few months because of this move. To think about that we will be married for three years in may is hard because we don't feel like newly weds. We are so comfortable with each other and we love each other so much. We fit so well together.
This move is approaching fast and I am scared and excited and very sad. I sat down on Saturday and printed out my lesson plan pages for the rest of the year. To a non teacher you probably have a blank look on your face but for a teacher this is a bitter sweet moment. You begin to freak out because that means the end it not far off which mean that test is not far off but it also means that a new year is approaching and teachers also live for the new year. We only get better because of the year we just had has taught us so many great things. This year def has and I have learned more htis year then the last. I am scared though because I want the new year to be exciting but I am scared I a shooting myself in the foot since I am not really excited to change schools.
Well I am sad that our house will no longer be ours. I never thought I would get like this about our house. I really thought it would be a move not a monumental thing. I have started to think the past few days about making a scrapbook of our first home together. I want our kids to know that at some point in our life we were stable and had a home that was nice. :) I don't know what the future holds and you never know wher eyou will end up but I know that I want to remember this house and this journey because I feel this is a HUGE chunk of our life. Since we are moving to VA and renting ANOTHER appartment I don't want us to forget about this place that has taught us so many great htings. YOU might not know how a house could teach you something but this one has. It has taught us about moeny, about gardening, about taking care of a puppy ( and how being on the third floor isn't always easy with a new puppy), how making time to spend together can get lost in a 2000 square foot home, how when you wear your spotted pjs while taking the dog out people think your parents live in the house, how fighting in the drive way might send the wrong message to your neighbors, how much we love laying around on saturdays in our own home, how completeing home improvement projects is a huge reward for the both of us :), how nice it is to have a laundry room on the same floor as your I could go on and I think I might have lost you in the second paragraph but I don't want to forget these memories. I want to remember them forever and I want to share them with our children because I love hearing about my parents and their past but they seemed to forget alot and I don't want that to happen.
Well this is the end of a random post but I was in one of those moods to type and think...hope I didn't lose you as a reader!!
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