Ok so we drove up to Richmond this past Sunday to see what it's like. Matt has been twice so he knew the area a little but I had never been. I was really excited because I knew this trip would make me think about Richmond as a place and not a move. I wanted to get a feel for the area and see the different schools in the area. We had gone with an address of Matts work and townhome complex that we wanted to look at. Matts mother bought us a TOM TOM for Christmas which was a blessing because we were able to use that to take us everywhere. So we drove up and found his office building and then went to the townhome complex. They were closed till one so we went and got lunch. We found this area where there was every store you could imagine. The area is called Short Pump which we hear from everywhere is the place to be. After eating we went back to the townhome and talked with them. They showed us a three bedroom home which was really nice (alot smaller then our house now, but alot bigger then our first appartment). I really hated the idea of renting a place for the amount they were asking because it is just being thrown away but we can't buy another place right now since we don't know our plan. After we talked with them we cliked on the TOM TOM to find all the schools. The really nice thing about this place is there is a school 4oo yards from the entrance so that would be amazing!! I could leave the house two minutes before I needed to be there!! We looked at five schools and then drove around to look at other appartments. The nice thing about the first one is that is is a townhome and not appartment. I really like it because it is three stories and it feels more like a home. Overall I left VA feeling alot better about the move and I am excited about our new adventure.
Now you are probably wondering why in the title I said one step forward two steps back, that leads to today's events. Today I was researching the steps I need to take to get my license in VA. I talked with the HR lady and found out some things that make me sad. Since I haven't taught in NC for three years I have to start at the beg as if I was just graduating college. I have to take four assessments and fill out all the paperwork to get my license. If I had taught in NC for three years I wouldn't be dealing with all this. That makes me the maddest. Ontop of all that VA doesn't post their teaching positions so I have no idea what schools have openings. This whole thing is getting harder and harder. There isn't really anyone to contact or a plan of action. I KNEW there were going to be hoops to hop through, but i didn't think there would be flame all around them. Please pray for me that I can keep my sanity as well as still keep the hope that this is the move best for our family.
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