Ok so a few posts ago I told you about this amazing site DonorsChoose.org and how it is a site for teachers to put a grant and hopefully somebody will fund it. Well today I got the sweet little email that said somebody funded my grants. This will make 12 now that I have had funded!! It is amazing that people still care and ask nothing in return!!! I couldn't belive that I got two more today!! My children are so excited and they also couldn't belive that somebody would spend so much money on them. It is amazing!! Today I recieved two third grade libraries of books in spanish for those students who speak spanish. I also recived tons of math manipulatives and games for test prep and review!!! I can't wait to get it all in the mail!! It really makes your day when you see that email!!!
Another note is that today was a good day with my kids. Latley it has been hard and if you read the post before this one you will see that teaching is fading fast for me because of this move. I really want to still love this job but with those crazy parents and this move it gets harder and harder each day!! I love being a TEACHER it really is my calling and I think I am pretty good but there are days like yesterday where I go home and ask God what am I doing!!! We also today got a new reading seires to help us with guided reading!! When we got the boxes I was sooo excited because it has tons of resources for me as a teacher and for my children who struggle!! I love days like this, truely makes teaching easy and worthwhile!
Also just another little praise, I had seven level FOURS today on our math test!! That makes me sooo happy, ecsp with a class of five learning disabled children! I was so excited for my class. I only had four that got level twos which means the rest of them passed!! The past few tests haven't been like that. Hopefully this is starting a trend for the other test!!!
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