Well all I can say is life is crazy busy! Being a family of three has really sucked up all that down time we had two years ago! This is a good thin in many aspects but in others it can be overwhelming!
Well we have been busy since January! First I made a resolution to get healthy! I know you snickered just then! If you go back in the archives weight has always been a topic but I needed to get serious in January! I have really worked hard the past couple months and I feel great! I have kept off consistently 8 pounds! I am 142 solidly and have been that for a few weeks. I have started to run which is exciting because I hate running! :) I hate running but I am super competative so I set these mini goals for me and when I meet them I am on a high! It is great! The running is starting to get my fat under control. Two times a week I take a weight lifting class which has really strengthened my arms and legs. I can actually do ten pushups!! So needless today this resolution is still going strong!
Something else that is pretty exciting is that I was accepted into NC State University for their graduate program in administration! I am really excite but totally scared out of my mind. There are nights where I have a panic moment and think what have I done! I applied to a distance learning program so I am still waiting to hear about my acceptance there! Keep your fingers crossed!
School is great I love second grade and my kids are amazing! I have really enjoy a new curriculum and challenges that brings! I am excited to start a new year with having this year under my belt! Next year will be so much better since I will know everything about second grade!
Now to the main show! Tillman is great! He amazes me so much these days! He is so verbal and knows so many words! He loves to eat and play with balls and cars! He knows most animal sounds. He knows the letter B and R. He loves to sit with his "TapTop" laptop in his lap while we have ours in our laps. He LOVES "Ella" Stella to pieces but we have to watch ourselves because he mimics everything we do. When we yell at her he yells too! He is 28 pounds of all boy but can be such a drama king! He loves to be "utside" outside watching the big boys play basket ball then we will walk to the park and go down the "ide" slide! He has learned the word help which is nice since he doesn't whine as much when he wants something. He says ouch for anything he doesn't like you doing to him such as changing his diaper or picking him up to bring him inside. We are working on our letters and colors which he has the attention span of a fly so that is fun!
We are busy busy busy but loving every moment of it!
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