Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Alternate World...

So in another lifetime I would like to be a photgorapher. I am not an artsy person which is why I think I am not one in this lifetime. I don't have that artsy eye which in turn makes my photos genaric or odd looking. I LOVE to take pictures and learn about how to make pictures better but I am not one of those people that execute ideas.

Well with the birth of baby Liam I have been playing around with my camera. I am a visual person so when Tillman had his portraits done as a newborn I watched and asked TONS of questions in hopes of mimicing what she did. Well needless to say I am not near as good.

I am going to blame it on the fact that I need a better body to my camera but I also know that I lack a lot of knowledge on light and apeture settings. Here are a couple I took and editted with my stock computer program.

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