Tillman is fifteen months and man is he so much fun! He is fully walking and that didn't start till he was fourteen months. He would try to walk a few steps but nothing serious till 14 month. Then he took off! He is moving though and really hasn't had any really bad tumbles! Stella loves to follow him around and he thinks she is chasing him so he gets super excited and starts to walk faster and giggle them wham he goes down!
He loves everything we eat! We have to still be tricky since I don't want to give him tons of bad food. I really want him to like all the good foods before he wants all the bad foods. He loves milk and can drink a gallon a week! We haven't given him any juice just water or milk. I don't really see the point in juice if he will drink water and milk.
He loves to sleep but with all the sickness and teeth the past month have been sleepless in NC! He really has been up at all hours with pain, sickness, or hunger because of sickness! Needless to say I am one tired lady!
Here are a few cute pictures taken today! Those PJ's are 2T yes the pants are big but it really did fit him! Oh man he is one chunky fella!
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