or just a full diaper? :)
Sunday, October 03, 2010
15 Months
Well I haven't been the best mother with keeping up on his stats but I am one busy momma!
Tillman is fifteen months and man is he so much fun! He is fully walking and that didn't start till he was fourteen months. He would try to walk a few steps but nothing serious till 14 month. Then he took off! He is moving though and really hasn't had any really bad tumbles! Stella loves to follow him around and he thinks she is chasing him so he gets super excited and starts to walk faster and giggle them wham he goes down!
He loves everything we eat! We have to still be tricky since I don't want to give him tons of bad food. I really want him to like all the good foods before he wants all the bad foods. He loves milk and can drink a gallon a week! We haven't given him any juice just water or milk. I don't really see the point in juice if he will drink water and milk.
He loves to sleep but with all the sickness and teeth the past month have been sleepless in NC! He really has been up at all hours with pain, sickness, or hunger because of sickness! Needless to say I am one tired lady!
Here are a few cute pictures taken today! Those PJ's are 2T yes the pants are big but it really did fit him! Oh man he is one chunky fella!

Tillman is fifteen months and man is he so much fun! He is fully walking and that didn't start till he was fourteen months. He would try to walk a few steps but nothing serious till 14 month. Then he took off! He is moving though and really hasn't had any really bad tumbles! Stella loves to follow him around and he thinks she is chasing him so he gets super excited and starts to walk faster and giggle them wham he goes down!
He loves everything we eat! We have to still be tricky since I don't want to give him tons of bad food. I really want him to like all the good foods before he wants all the bad foods. He loves milk and can drink a gallon a week! We haven't given him any juice just water or milk. I don't really see the point in juice if he will drink water and milk.
He loves to sleep but with all the sickness and teeth the past month have been sleepless in NC! He really has been up at all hours with pain, sickness, or hunger because of sickness! Needless to say I am one tired lady!
Here are a few cute pictures taken today! Those PJ's are 2T yes the pants are big but it really did fit him! Oh man he is one chunky fella!
Lesson Number 436 Learned
So as parents we are always reflecting on days and thinking about how when the same situation arises how would handle it differently. Before we became parents we always would look at other parents and think, I wouldn't do that as a parent or man they suck as parents! ;)
Well we were put in our places on Saturday! Since Tillman is officially a toddler we are trying to let him explore the world and use those legs and brain cells. This means a little more work and patience on our end but I know in order for him to be inquisitive and to learn he needs to explore!
Well we went into ToysRUs Express on Saturday and walked around getting Christmas ideas. He wanted to get out of the stroller so we let him. He found this walking poppy thing which we all had when we were little. When you push it the bottom pops so the balls make a noise. Well he was so darn cute walking around the store.
The story takes a one eighty...I should have known. Not sure where my brain was, but when we began to make moves to leave we had to take the popper away from him. The boy lost it...I mean all out lost it. He was throwing his arms, arching his back, kicking his feet all the while screaming bloody murder. We held our ground, we walked out of the store and kept walking. Thirty second felt like a year! I was clenching my teeth telling him he needed to stop screaming. If only he was a little older...his butt would have been torn up! ;) Well then as new parents we hit a fork in the road. We either could go back and get the stupid toy or hold our ground! As an fork in the road there is a not so easy answer and an answer you know is wrong but is way easy!!!
Our answer was.....

yup we gave in and bought the toy....but that wasn't the lesson. The lesson was when we bought the stupid toy and he got the toy he still continued to scream bloody murder! So we decided in the car to hold the toy till Christmas! That made us feel better about buying the stupid toy!

and because of this face he got the toy back!

So the moral of the story is....don't give in to a crying baby..NO MATTER WHAT!
Well we were put in our places on Saturday! Since Tillman is officially a toddler we are trying to let him explore the world and use those legs and brain cells. This means a little more work and patience on our end but I know in order for him to be inquisitive and to learn he needs to explore!
Well we went into ToysRUs Express on Saturday and walked around getting Christmas ideas. He wanted to get out of the stroller so we let him. He found this walking poppy thing which we all had when we were little. When you push it the bottom pops so the balls make a noise. Well he was so darn cute walking around the store.
The story takes a one eighty...I should have known. Not sure where my brain was, but when we began to make moves to leave we had to take the popper away from him. The boy lost it...I mean all out lost it. He was throwing his arms, arching his back, kicking his feet all the while screaming bloody murder. We held our ground, we walked out of the store and kept walking. Thirty second felt like a year! I was clenching my teeth telling him he needed to stop screaming. If only he was a little older...his butt would have been torn up! ;) Well then as new parents we hit a fork in the road. We either could go back and get the stupid toy or hold our ground! As an fork in the road there is a not so easy answer and an answer you know is wrong but is way easy!!!
Our answer was.....
yup we gave in and bought the toy....but that wasn't the lesson. The lesson was when we bought the stupid toy and he got the toy he still continued to scream bloody murder! So we decided in the car to hold the toy till Christmas! That made us feel better about buying the stupid toy!
and because of this face he got the toy back!
So the moral of the story is....don't give in to a crying baby..NO MATTER WHAT!
Toddling Through Life
Well life has been crazy busy! Now that Tillman has been walking we have been on the go! I can't even think back to when I posted last in order to catch you up but here is what has been going on.
Tillman has been sick a lot this month. I think it has to do with me being back at school and bringing all those nasty germs home. Matt's mom has been up a lot to help out and I fee like I haven' been at school a full week since we started.
Life in second grade is crazy busy! Learning a new grade level is hard and being a perfectionist I want to do everything right and not let anyone down and it seems that I am wearing myself down and spreading myself to thin. Hopefully I will get myself organized so I can be great at everything!
I have started a scrapbook club and I love it but I can't seem to find a place or time to work on anything scrapbooking related. You have to purchase things each month so I have the materials but keep piling things in my closet. I hope to get the things organized so I can actually do something with the million pictures I have. I would love to make cards that are personal to give to people instead of buying cards. We will see!
Fall is here and I am so excited! I love the cooler weather mainly because I sweat like a man on a hundred degree day! My second graders aren't sure what to say when I wear a shirt where my pit stains are all over the place. Luckily my new classroom has an air unit that I can adjust so I can make sure the room is cool.
I am now a screenr for DonorsChoose.org and I am super excited to be working for them. I read proposals and make sure they fit the criteria and then either send them back or approve them. It is interesting to read all the proposals from all over the country. There are some really needy schools.
My next post is going to be on education reform because of the movie Waiting for Superman has created a buzz and my soap box is getting a little dusty.
Tillman is so fricken cute these days! I get why people get all gushy around their kids! I do have to say he is one smart fella! He is saying all kids of words. I know I know I am his momma so the words he says make no sense to others but to me I think it is amazing! He is an ELMO freak! We have some videos and a limbo, tickle me, hokey poky, and hug me Elmo all given to us from friends and the kid is obsessed!
He is also in love with the Jesus Loves Me book. I has a button where it sings the song and he will hit it over and over and over again. When he gets really fussy or I want him to calm down I will start to sing that song and his whole body will loosen up and calm down.
Well for now this is all. I am sure I left things out but Tillman is trying to get into Matt's office while Matt is working and so I have to go get him out!
Tillman has been sick a lot this month. I think it has to do with me being back at school and bringing all those nasty germs home. Matt's mom has been up a lot to help out and I fee like I haven' been at school a full week since we started.
Life in second grade is crazy busy! Learning a new grade level is hard and being a perfectionist I want to do everything right and not let anyone down and it seems that I am wearing myself down and spreading myself to thin. Hopefully I will get myself organized so I can be great at everything!
I have started a scrapbook club and I love it but I can't seem to find a place or time to work on anything scrapbooking related. You have to purchase things each month so I have the materials but keep piling things in my closet. I hope to get the things organized so I can actually do something with the million pictures I have. I would love to make cards that are personal to give to people instead of buying cards. We will see!
Fall is here and I am so excited! I love the cooler weather mainly because I sweat like a man on a hundred degree day! My second graders aren't sure what to say when I wear a shirt where my pit stains are all over the place. Luckily my new classroom has an air unit that I can adjust so I can make sure the room is cool.
I am now a screenr for DonorsChoose.org and I am super excited to be working for them. I read proposals and make sure they fit the criteria and then either send them back or approve them. It is interesting to read all the proposals from all over the country. There are some really needy schools.
My next post is going to be on education reform because of the movie Waiting for Superman has created a buzz and my soap box is getting a little dusty.
Tillman is so fricken cute these days! I get why people get all gushy around their kids! I do have to say he is one smart fella! He is saying all kids of words. I know I know I am his momma so the words he says make no sense to others but to me I think it is amazing! He is an ELMO freak! We have some videos and a limbo, tickle me, hokey poky, and hug me Elmo all given to us from friends and the kid is obsessed!
He is also in love with the Jesus Loves Me book. I has a button where it sings the song and he will hit it over and over and over again. When he gets really fussy or I want him to calm down I will start to sing that song and his whole body will loosen up and calm down.
Well for now this is all. I am sure I left things out but Tillman is trying to get into Matt's office while Matt is working and so I have to go get him out!
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