As I sit and type this you are scooting on the floor getting into EVERYTHING! I sit here and watch you explore the drawers in the dresser, the door stopper on the base board, the zipper on my luggage, the curling iron that was in the bag. I sit here and watch this little boy who just a few short months ago was my little (or not so little) infant. Tillman this year has been the most amazing journey I have been on. Watching you change each day and watching your eyes sparkle with excitment when you see new and bright colors makes being a momma the best job ever. People say when you are pregnant that there is nothing like having a child and they were right! Our lives changed on June 20th at 5:13. They changed in a way that we would have never dreamed of. They change because you became part of our family. My hope for you in this coming year is for your heart to continue to fill with joy and love. For you to continue to learn new and exciting things. I hope this year you will begin to realize the amazing world around you. Tillman I can't begin to tell you the love your father and I have for you. When we take a moment and look at you all we can do is smile because of those bright blue eyes and that infectious smile! Tillman I hope that twenty years from now you will understand how much your father and I love you! Thank you for allowing me to be your mom and for making me the happiest luckiest person in the world! I want to say Happy First Birthday sweet boy and that I love you with all my heart!

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