You know your a mom when you dig through your purse and find: a spoon, pacifier, baby food puffs, a toy, baby tylenol and food crumbs from always eating on the go!
You know your a mom when you like you finger and then wipe stuff off your husbands face.
You know your a mom when you leave the bathroom door open when you have not so close guests because it has become a habbit to NEVER close the door now that you have a mobile kid!
You know your a mom when get to bed a realize you haven't eaten anything because some how instead of you eating your dinner plate you cut it up into TINY little pieces to feed to your child.
You know your a mom when you get into your car and it seems that it has become a traveling house with extra underwear, new set of clothes, food, toys, books and an endless supply of wipes!
You know your a mom when you can go from a screaming child to a happy little one with turning ANYTHING into a toy.

I know there are more but these are what I got for now! Off to putt the munchkin to bed and he will wake up a one year old!