Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Comparing apples to oranges...

So as a mom you always hear "don't compare children...they all grow so differently.." Through pregnancy I kept reminding myself of that because people always said that about pregnancy. Now that Tillman is nine months old, I have to constantly remind myself of that. When I look at him and compare him to other babies born the same time or even a few months later, he is definitely taking his sweet time to become mobile. He is perfectly content on sitting and not moving. Nothing entices him to try to move, NOT EVEN FOOD!! Needless to say I an enjoying this non mobile time because I can plop him on the floor and not worry he is getting into something. I don't think it means anything developmentally but it is hard to not compare or ask why. I know that as he grows and being a teacher I am going to have high expectations for Tillman. I am going to work hard to teach him all about the world around him. I just hope that I can keep my comparing in check. Tillman is perfect in my eyes! He is the happiest most fun loving laid back child that a mom could ask for! He has become such a little man and as a mom I am so proud of all the milestones he has met. Crawling will come as walking will come but I need to sit and enjoy this time. (Someone remind me of this post when I am pulling my hair out with a crawler going all over the place!)


Jodi said...


Ainsley NEVER crawled.

So there! She scooted on her butt.

Then walked.

And never stops running now!

The Cox Family said...

I know exactly what you mean. Owen is now 18 months and not walking on his own. He will walk with your hand but will not let go. Everyone tells you not to worry but it's hard. It's hard not to compare because sadly the doctors do.

Elizabeth said...

It is funny because as an educator that is what my job consists of is comparing children to standards and benchmarks. As a momma all you want to do is ensure that your children are being taught and encouraged to a point that they meet those "benchmarks" but I also know as an educator I can't fit everyone in a box. It is really hard and all you want is what is best for your children!