It is funny how many times I week I think about this post....I always try and remember all the funny odd things I do as a mother and then when I get time to sit and type my brain disappears..Here are a few that I could remember!! Please chime in on my comments if you can add anything!
You know your a mom when in order for you to get your daily dose of veggies, you give the baby a spoonful...then yourself a spoonful...then the baby a the end of the dinner feeding you both have had your daily dose of veggies
You know your a mom when you shave your legs and there looks like a chiuaha was just shaved in the bottom of your shower....oh wait when do I have time to shave!!
You know your a mom when you purposfully keep a scarf in all cars because you know at some point in your day snot or spit up will end up on the shoulder of your shirt....a scarf does the trick
You know your a mom when your out in public and you hear a baby cry and you start running though the rolledex in your brain of all the things it could possibly be...then you bend over and realize your sweet baby is asleep
You know your a mom when in moments of thought you break out into wheels on the bus to help clear your mind....
You know your a mom when you open a diaper and say YES after a long night of constipation!!!
You know your a mom when you stick your pinkie finger up a babies nose and then inspect your find to ensure no one is gettig sick without even blinking an eye!
You know your a mom when you start playing rock paper scissors to see who will get up at 3 am when the baby is really is the only FAIR way
Even though some of these are dumb they are all please if your a mom add yours!! I know there are a million more, but as a watch my sweet boy eat his puffs all I can think about is how amazing this job is!!
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