Well Tillman is seen months old as of the 20th of January. He amazes Matt and I each and every day. Here are some highlights of six/seven months:
*He is probably weighing close to 23 pounds now and 27 inches long
*He eats six-eight ounce bottles when he has a bottle
*He eats two fuits and two veggies a day
*He is sleeping through the night...8:15-8:00
*He loves loves loves Stella...when she walks by him he laughs the deepest barrel laugh possible
*He loves Miss Lana...when she opens the door he smiles so big and starts to talk to her
*He is so inquisitive now, he will arch his head around to look at something or lean all the way back and turn his head if he heas a noise
*He does not like being on his belly...I think we will have a late crawler...
*He only wants to stand and if you sit him down he will arch his back and throw his legs straight as boards and grunt till you stand him
*He has one tooth and one coming it right beside it
*He loves bath time!!!
*He is incredible tickelish...he inner thighs are the best place to squeeze and he will laugh so hard
*He makes Matt and I smile each and everyday!!!
Now for some pictures!!
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