Well the story is the same, time has flown by! Tilley turned 6 weeks this past Saturday! He is growing like a weed. His legs and arms are so long and his head is so big! :) Only his momma can say that!
He is 12.5 pounds! He is a great eater which is really nice! He loves to eat but only eats every 2-3 hours so it isn't like he eats every hour!
He can wear many of his 3-6 month clothes which makes him look even older.
He is starting to coo and giggle more! Man in the morning the boy doesn't stop talking or lauging! He loves to smile in the morning and makes himself giddy when he smiles in the morning.
He has moved to size 2 diapers. This morning was the first time in weeks that he hasn't had a morning time blow out which means he could still wear his outfit a little longer. His morning poo would always squirm out of his diaper and now it doesn't. He also is peeing so much more. I would have to change his diaper 4-5 times during the night, last night I only changed it twice!!
He is sleeping longer and longer each night. He eats at 8, 11, and 3. After the 3 feeding he sometimes will sleep to 6 but most mornings it is 5 when he gets up. Which when school starts will be great so that I have a good morning routine.
We are falling in love with this boy more and more. It is amazing how much you know about your child. I know his cries and I know his routines. Motherhood is amazing!
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