So the past seven weeks I have realized that motherhood is like a secret club. Once you have crossed over into motherhood you can never go back. Before entering the motherhood club I never know what moms really did! Here are some examples!
As I was driving down the road, with my arm bent around the seat holding a paci in Tilley's mouth, while still maintaining the speed limit and not crashing into anything I realized I have entered the motherhood club.
As Tilley was in the sling, I was stirring a pot of rice, and pouring dog food into Stellas bowl all while talking on the phone, I realized I had entered the motherhood club.
While take a shower, Tilley began to cry in his bouncy seat. Instead of getting out of the shower like any normal person would, I opened the door stuck my foot out and began to rock his seat back and forth all while washing my hair. At that point I realized I had entered motherhood.
Sitting at Starbucks hanging out with a dear friend my son began to cry for food. Instead of whipping out a bottle like a more vertan mother would have, I whipped out my hooter hider (which I actually remembered to pack), wrapped a blanket around my waist (so no one would see my horrible stretched out love handles) and began to nurse my sweet hungry boy. I really had entered motherhood then.
I had forgot to charge the batteries for Tilley's swing (which the boy LOVES) and because I am still not as selfless as I need to be, I sat on the floor with my computer logged into facebook and my elbow gently pushing the swing back and forth while he slept. I really felt stupid then, but you gotta do what you gotta do when in the motherhood club.
Since motherhood is exhausting you try to do everything you can to decrease the amount of housework needed, that includes laundry. Even though I have spit up and milk from my never ending fountain, I am determined to only wear one shirt a day to help limit the loads of laundry. You know you hit motherhood when your son pees on you during a diaper change, and instead of changing you take a hairdryer and dry the spot so you can continue your day! Or since you are limited with your time, you just walk around with a wet spot on your shirt and tell everyone that you spilled your drink!
You know you have entered the motherhood club when your son drops his paci and you put the paci in your mouth to remove all dog hair and plop it right back into his.
So I hope you enjoyed this addition of "You know your a mom when..." I am sure there will be MANY MANY more editions to come!
This is the reason I love being a mother!! Look at that sweet boys face!