Well our son has reached the two week mark! TIME FLIES!! I really am trying to savor this time with him, but when I look at the calendar all I can think about it is how fast it is going by! I do have to say though at night when I am tired I do wish that we could skip this part and get to the sleeping longer at night;)!
We had our two week check up and things looked great! He gained a whole pound since the last time we were there. He was born 9.6 but when we were discharged he was 8.11. When we went to the ped. 24 hours later he was 8.10. So needless to say he had a lot of gaining to do. Yesterday he was 9.10 so that was a good sign. They want them back up to their birth weight but the 2 week mark. Everything else checked off. He does have a little strawberry they want to watch on his belly. She measured it so that when he grows we can keep an eye on it.
While we were there I talked to her about gas because I thought Tilley had been gassy for the past two days. I thought maybe because I had eaten eggs and they give me gas, that he was gassy from them also. When I described the symptoms I was seeing, she said it could be gas but also could be reflux. She showed me a diagram of the stomach and explain reflux to me and what the symptoms looked like. It seemed to me that he was showing those signs more so then the signs of gas. So she sent us home to watch it and see if he continues to show them days after I ate the eggs. Yesterday I called them and we went back in because the poor boy is suffering. He arches his back, cries spontaneously, constantly is trying to swallow something, and you can tell he is in pain when he cries. They gave us baby Zantac to help with the reflux. Hopefully the medicine will kick in because he doesn't want to sleep because the acid will come back up and it hurts. So last night was a long night.
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